Design a query-a set of sql statements that returns all rows

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131681348

The following assignment is based on the database environment created in the Four Individual Assignment.

Design and develop the below queries using professional principles and standards:

A set of SQL Statements that returns all rows and all data for each table in your database

Two SQL Statements that return a subset of columns and a subset of rows using the WHERE clause

Two SQL Statements that join two or more tables in one query. Look for primary and foreign keys to help you determine join points. Use the JOIN clause as a part of your queries

As a part of the Week Five assignment, it is important to resubmit work completed in Weeks One through Five for a complete project review.

You should make any necessary improvements based on faculty feedback received to the documents in Weeks One through Four before submitting.

Compress the following into a ZIP file:

One - Database proposal document

Two - ERD document

Three - Normalized ERD document

Four - Database Creation SQL files

Five - SQL Query files

Reference no: EM131681348

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