Reference no: EM13161784
Design a prgram USING PYTHON that students can use to calculate what score they need on final exam to get a certan final grade for a course.
Usually grades are accumulated by earning points in a category:
For example- Labs are worth 500 points, and homework is worth a total of 600 points. The percentages for labs, homework, and final are 50%, 25%, and 25%. If someone earns 450/500 and 500/600, would be the minimum score to earn an A(90 or above)
final exam grade = [sum of (pointsearned/total points*percent) for each category]/ percent of final exam
Ask student for info anout each category
Use info to calculate and acummulate total points so far and percent
write a function that will calculate the final exam score from the accumlated standing, percentage, and min grade the student desires
Print out grade required on exam
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