Design a PLMN based on 5G air interface

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Reference no: EM132310791 , Length: 10

Telecommunication Modelling and Simulation Assignment - PLMN Design Based on 5G

Learning Outcomes -

a. Design, analyse and evaluate wireless mobile communication systems;

b. Research and analyse recent developments, and relate them to the principles of mobile network design and network management;

c. Apply engineering techniques, tools and resources to plan and model cellular networks;

d. Apply, and evaluate the application of systematic cellular networks engineering synthesis and design techniques;

Project Formulation -

Assume that you are an employee of a public land mobile network (PLMN) operator with operations in Victoria. As a member of a group of 5 engineers, you are tasked to design a PLMN based on 5G air interface to serve a suburb in Victoria called Mernda. Assume that your employer has no PLMN infrastructure or mobile service in this suburb, and that it is a greenfield. Your design should use the CelPlanner® software. The steps of the design should be clearly demonstrated. Also, your design must be justified with analytical reasoning wherever possible.

The PLMN that you design should include:

1) Demonstration of research into PLMN design based on 5G using a minimum of 5 references from journal papers, conference papers or books.

2) The entire coverage area, its size and the division of the coverage area into cells.

3) The cluster size used, frequency reuse distance, and sectoring per cell.

4) Latitudes and longitudes of the coverage area.

5) Choose the number of cells and their sizes with justification.

6) Illustrate the positioning of eNodeBs in the network, with justification.

7) The operating frequencies of the PLMN and how the frequencies were acquired.

8) The bandwidth of each channel.

9) Minimum and maximum data rates that each user can be served.

10) The multiple access scheme used.

11) The handoff algorithm or method used in the PLMN.

12) Channel allocation method used in the PLMN.

13) Modulation methods used.

14) Channel coding methods used.

15) Error control scheme employed.

16) Pathloss models used for signal propagation in the coverage area, with justifications.

17) The expected grade of service (GOS) in the PLMN.

18) The overall capacity of the PLMN.

19) Include screenshots of CelPlanner® in your report to illustrate your design steps.

20) Reference list demonstrating research into the subject matter at the end of the report.

Submits a report written using Microsoft Word in good English language. The size of the report should not be more than 10 A4 pages, written in 12-point Times New Roman font.

Reference no: EM132310791

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Word/page limit Maximum 2000 words (8 A4 pages). Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style for School of Business and School of Information Technology and Engineering respectively. Maximum file size is 10 A4 pages, all inclusive.


5/23/2019 3:49:56 AM

Every group submits a report written using Microsoft Word in good English language. The size of the report should not be more than 10 A4 pages, written in 12-point Times New Roman font. All pages must be numbered consistently. Submissions with direct copied and pasting portions without reflection will score an automatic 0%.


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Marking Criteria - The following shall be used to grade your submission. Content Knowledge - Student demonstrates outstanding of PLMN design and the competence in CelPlanner software beyond the scope required by the assignment task. The system design methodology is technically sound. Student demonstrates sound basic knowledge and understanding of the relevant subject matter. The system design methodology is technically fairly sound. Student exhibits adequate basic knowledge of the topic area. The student's apparent knowledge and understanding of relevant content is limited. Student shows little evidence of knowing the relevant content.

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