Design a PI controller using Skogestads IMC rules

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM132636628

Advanced Process Control

1- Transfer the model described in the paper into Simulink and find the steady state values

2- Draw the block flow diagram of the open and close loop system

3- Find the process response to unit step change in CAi while the other variables remain constant

4- Design a PI controller using Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. The ultimate gain should be determined using the Routh Array method. As Routh Array method requires the use of Pade approximation, the ultimate gain identified using this method should be taken as an estimate (initial guess). The actual ultimate gain and ultimate period should be found by performing closed-loop tests on the identified model (and not on the real plant).

1- Design a PI controller using Skogestad's IMC rules.

2- Using closed-loop simulations obtain and compare the responses of T and Ca for a positive unit step change in the Temperature when a PI controllers designed using ZN and IMC methods are implemented

Article - The Control of Non Isothermal CSTR Using Different Controller Strategies by Zahra'a F. Zuhwar

Reference no: EM132636628

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9/18/2020 10:47:04 PM

Need to get the information from the paper for non isothermal CSTR reactor and answer the questions from the separated attached file. (Use bode diagram to find the steady state values)

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