Design a network for a sports complex

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132118695 , Length: word count:1000

Advanced Network Design Assessment - Human factors in network analysis and design

Purpose of the assessment - This assignment is designed to assess students' knowledge and skills related to the following learning outcomes:

  • Apply concepts and theories of human factors as related to network design and implementation;
  • Evaluate performance metrics and dimensions according to specifications.

Assignment Description - In order to design a network, the first step is to collect network requirements. The network requirements are gathered from users and business requirements. The users form one of the important aspects of a successful network design. Your project is to design a network for a sports complex.

Part I: Develop a questionnaire to gather requirements from users, sports complex management, and staff. What kinds of questions would you ask to better understand their environment and each group of users?

Hint [Questions must also be aimed at identifying what applications, the users intend to use.]

Categorise applications identified by users and devise an assessment plan of the applications for network performance.

Part II: Design a network as shown below in Figure 1, and perform a performance test for each set of applications as shown in following Table 1 to validate them. For the network design in Figure 1, Application Sets 1, 2, 3 and 4 in table 1, are located in LAN A, B, C and D respectively.


Table 1: Application Performance Requirements

Application Set

Performance Requirements




Application Set 1:

Application 1

550 Kb/s



Application 2

700 Kb/s



Application 3

110 Kb/s



Application 4

220 Kb/s



Application Set 2:

Application 1

125 Kb/s



Application 2

350 Kb/s



Application 3

550 Kb/s



Application 4

400 Kb/s



Application Set 3:

Application 1

2.1 Mb/s


30 ms

Application 2

1 Mb/s



Application 3

1.1 Mb/s


100 ms

Application 4

320 Kb/s



Demonstration: Students can demonstrate in a group of 2. Students should be ready with all setup and configurations before the start of the laboratory class. The tutor will ask 2-3 questions of each student to demonstrate any configuration of the setup. The demonstration from each student should not be more than 3 minutes in duration.

Want only wok on first part of given case study.

Reference no: EM132118695

Questions Cloud

What is the meaning of securitization : How Moral Hazard Affects the Choice Between Debt and Equity Contracts. What is the meaning of securitization? How is this used?
Internal rate of return for a project : LUnlock Solutionetermine the internal rate of return for a project that costs $167,000 and would yield after-tax cash flows of $20,000 per year
What is the nominal return associated with an investment : Earning the nominal return: Suppose the inflation rate is 5%. Suppose the marginal product of capital in a firm is 8% but that in the course of production.
What are the big clusters : what is the position of Waikato University as compared to others and what does it mean - What does it say about the network
Design a network for a sports complex : MN621 Advanced Network Design Assessment - Human factors in network analysis and design, MIT Australia. Your project is to design a network for sports complex
Can the nominal interest rate be negative : Can interest rates be negative? Consider the following two questions. Can the nominal interest rate be negative? Discuss.
Name two examples of socially responsible companies : Are there other aspects of corporate social responsibility that you feel should be incorporated into the company's strategic plan?
Determine the net present value for a project : Determine the net present value for a project that costs $78,000 and would yield after-tax cash flows of $12,000 the first year, $14,000
Determine the internal rate of return for a project : Determine the internal rate of return for a project that costs $177,000 and would yield after-tax cash flows of $21,000 per year for the first 5 years



9/21/2018 2:49:20 AM

Subject - Computer Networking/Advanced Network Design. No Of Pages/Words – 1000. I want only wok on first part of given case study. you need to look at grading criteria and work accordingly. 1.Questionnaire is prepared Are questions prepared for: a) Users b) Management c) Other Staff. 10 marks 2.Purpose of each question Are the question adequate to collect requirements to design a network i.e., an explanation of each question that shows what information is intended to be gained? 10marks 3.Validation and verification plan Is there a plan to verify the gathered requirements from various stakeholders? 5 marks.


9/21/2018 2:49:14 AM

Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style. Students should form their groups and inform their tutor in week 10 during laboratory class. Students will receive a demonstration timetable before the start of the week 11 laboratory class.


9/21/2018 2:49:08 AM

Section to be included in the report - Questionnaire is prepared - Are questions prepared for: Users, Management and Other Staff. Purpose of each question - Are the question adequate to collect requirements to design a network i.e., an explanation of each question that shows what information is intended to be gained? Validation and verification plan - Is there a plan to verify the gathered requirements from various stakeholders?


9/21/2018 2:48:58 AM

Network design along with applications and their protocols is explained. A network design is laid out and all application sets are defined with applications. Demonstration - To demonstrate the network design using a simulator of your choice and all application sets and to present observations to achieve the application performance factors. Formatting and Reference style - Follow IEEE reference style, and formatting.

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