Design a mobile web application for holmes institute

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM131516736 , Length: wordcount:1700

Mobile Web Applications Development Group Assignment

In groups of 4 maximum

Your digital development team is one of several who have been approached by Holmes Institute to design a web app for use on mobile devices. You are to produce a professional report detailing your proposal and present your findings to the Holmes Board in the form of a demonstration of your proposal which will include any recommendations, justifications and working prototypes.

1. Design an app

Design a mobile web application for Holmes Institute Higher Education. Based on your knowledge of the things a Higher Education student requires during their initial time at Holmes (enrolment, induction etc), and the subsequent activities that they are involved in, consider the features that the application would incorporate. Try and be as creative and inventive as possible in order to secure this lucrative project for your team

a) Describe each of the features that your app will incorporate and the functionality that it will include.

b) Produce an initial home screen design for the app displaying the proposed layout and content - this can be achieved using any drawing facility in any standard package

c) Produce a set of 'storyboards' to demonstrate the User Interface of one of the pieces of functionality your app will incorporate.

2. Implement the app

Using any of the software you have been exposed to in class, produce a simple prototype of your application. This does not need to be a fully working app, but needs to show basic elements of your proposed screen design, layout and limited content.

Reference no: EM131516736

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6/3/2017 11:56:37 AM

Australian student, total 1700 words and Mobile design and whatever is asked in the assignment. A professionally formatted report covering those elements described in part 1 (above). A professional demonstration of the prototype including slides and a working version of some limited design of the user interface (maximum of 15 minutes). You will also need to pitch your ideas regarding other design features and functionality of the proposed app that you have not implemented.


6/3/2017 11:56:28 AM

Proposed Design - Description of functionality/features. Layout and content design of home screen. Storyboards demonstrating proposed functionality and user interface of one specific area of the app. Implementation A basic prototype using appropriate software, demonstrating the User Interface. Report Professionally formatted document including appropriate sections, references and bibliography. Demonstration Professionally organised, good timing, pitch and presentation style, appropriate content.

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