Design a matlab application that has transformer power ratin

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM13934549

EE 350 Energy Conversion Principles

o Methods of determining the parameters of a transformer by performing open-circuit and short circuit tests.

o Dependence of calculated impedance values on the side on which the test is performed.

o Constructing equivalent circuits of transformers.


§ Design a MATLAB application that has the following input data:

o Transformer power rating (VA),

o Transformer voltage ratings (VH and VL)

o Open-Circuit test results: VO, IO, and PO.

o Short-Circuit test results: VSC, ISC, and PSC.

The application has the following output data:

o Identify on which side each test was conducted.

o Find the parameters (RC, XΦ, Req, and Xeq) of the equivalent circuit referred to high-voltage side.

o Find the parameters (RC, XΦ, Req, and Xeq) of the equivalent circuit referred to low-voltage side. 

Reference no: EM13934549

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