Design a marketing research project for a product

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697541 , Length: word count : 2000


Design a marketing research project for a product of your choice.

Lately the product has not been performing well. You need to develop a marketing research proposal that identifies the marketing problem and the steps that will enable you to recommend a marketing decision to the products management.

The proposal must outline the steps in the research process and the rationale for using them. It must clearly communicate exactly what information will be obtained, where it will be obtained and how it will be obtained.

Part B: Final Research Proposal (Assignment No. 2). Description Part B: Final Research Proposal.

You must incorporate academic literature to support/justify your ideas. Unsubstantiated statements will not provide credibility to your discussion.

Your Final Research Proposal should include:

A brief overview of the product/brand

- Define the Marketing Research Problem

- Identify and Clarify information needs

- Define the research question/s

- Specify research objectives

- Confirm the information value

- Research Design (exploratory, descriptive, causal)

- Method

- Method of Administration including Data Collection Form (for example, questionnaire, moderators guide)

- Data Collection Form

- Sampling Technique

- Ethical considerations

- Potential limitations

- Timeline

Word count: 2000 words

Referencing: APA Referencing

Attachment:- The product.rar

Reference no: EM131697541

Questions Cloud

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Design a marketing research project for a product : Design a marketing research project for a product of your choice.develop a marketing research proposal that identifies the problem.
Classify the events of the six steps of the model : Classify the events a through k under one of the six steps of the model for making tactical decisions described in your text.
Describe ethical considerations behind maintaining a company : Examine the employment issues presented in the scenario. Describe the ethical considerations behind maintaining a rigid company dress policy.
Review case study of the make-or-buy decision : Make-or-Buy Decision Refer to the information for Zion Manufacturing above. Assume that 75 percent of Zion Manufacturing's fixed overhead for Component.
Identify the type of audit evidence : Identify the type of audit evidence used for each audit procedures. Identify the general balance-related audit objectives satisfied by each audit procedure


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