Design a high-level performance management

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Reference no: EM131916843

The assignment

This assignment is split over 2 sections. The information and data you need to complete Sections 1 & 2 is presented in case studies at the beginning ofthose sections and each task.

Section 1: Complex Lending and Broking

The first section on complex lending and broking, requires you to answer the questions for one (1) of the three (3)available case studies. Each case study focuses on different lending scenario.

Section 2: Business management skills

Section 2 requires you to complete the six (6) tasks as listed in this template.

Section 1: Complex lending and broking

Case study A- Tom and Steve Broad

Task 1a - Identify the clients' complex broking needs

Prepare a list of questions that you would need to ask Tom and Steve about their history and experience, and the unit purchase.
In preparing your list of questions you should ensure that you cover the following:
• The complex features of Tom's and Steve's situation and objectives.
• Potential risks and Tom's and Steve's tolerance of risk. In considering risk you should consider:
- how you would identify the risks and the criteria you used to evaluate these risks
- how you would assess their current exposure, the tools you would use in terms of probability, impact and the consequences. (800 words)

Task 2a -Develop complex broking options
You are required to prepare a full report for Tom and Steve by outlining the process and the risks (potential and real) of which Tom and Steve should be aware.
In a suitable format, document the process that is required for them to purchase the two units as their investment properties, establishing a joint loan in the brother's names. You should also include a selection of lenders that will consider this style of borrowing.
In developing your report you should cover the following:
1. The parties to the loan including any opportunities or constraints that could impact on their application
2. The different options available and your recommendation of the best loan structure with the lender - are they using their own property as cross security or the cash at bank as deposit?
3. What various forms of titles could an apartment be registered in
4. A list of the lenders that are able to lend
5. The procedure to commence a loan for a property like this
6. The steps that will need to be in place s
7. The client responsibilities, so Tom and Steve fully understand the loan
8. An outline as to the process and what the client needs to arrange
9. The documentation needed to commence the borrowing
10. The name in which the client will sign the contract/purchase/offer and acceptance. If a Family trust is involved what name would the title of the property be registered in, and advise what state you are using to base your answer on
11. The state revenue requirements
12. Which lenders may also require a personal guarantee from Steve's spouse
13. The maximum LVR to the consumer
14. A summary of all fees and charges - including those for setup and those of the lender. (800 words)

Task 3a - Implement complex loan structures

Tom and Steve have accepted your recommendations and have given you authority to proceed with their application.
As part of implementing their loan application you are required to prepare a formal written loan submission to the lender for pre-approval. Your loan submission must include the following:
• serviceability calculations
• the proposed structure of the loan given there are two brothers and there is a variance in income
• the loan amount
• the property style, size, use
• any other information that is relevant to the lenders requirements.
In additional to these requirements you should also include:

• your obligations under the NCCP (if any)
• maximum loan amount
• maximum loan terms
• any ATO consideration to be made
• your state legislation and OSR requirements
• your general advice restrictions
• property purchase requirements. (800 words)

Note: Any assumptions you make should be listed, and not be in conflict with the case study information already provided.

Section 2: Business management skills

Task4 - Developing and nurturing relationships with clients, other professionals and third party referrers

George and Mildred now require you to write a plan to assist in developing and nurturing relationships with clients, other professionals and third party referrers.

Your plan should address the following:
1. How CCF & MB's policies and procedures and legislative, regulatory and professional codes of practice impact on developing and nurturing relationships
2. How you would use CCF & MB's social, business and ethical standards to develop and maintain positive relationships
3. The importance of confidentiality and how you would maintain it in your dealings with colleagues, clients and other parties
4. How you would adjust your Interpersonal style to the needs and situation of other parties
5. How you would go about developing and maintaining business and professional networks and other relationships to benefit the organisation, and how you would use them to identify and cultivate relationships in order to promote and market the organisation
6. How you could use and cooperate with other professionals and third parties to expand and enhance the reputation of the organisation, and to identify new and improved business practices
7. How you would build referral business through appropriate communication channels to find and secure new business relationships
8. How you would identify referral needs and provide information p about CCF & MB's relevant products and services
9. How you would secure interviews with referral business so that then needs of clients can be met. (1,000 words)

You may use any format for your plan but it must address each of the points above. If you are unsure as to how to write a plan, you can refer to the Business Growth and Marketing topic and use the suggested SMEAC format outlined in Part 5, Section 12.

When completing this task, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the background information.

Task 5 -Growing the business

Having considered how you would go about building and nurturing relationships, George and Mildred now require you to turn your attention to marketing and promoting CCF & MB's business. This requires you to develop a marketing plan for the business.

In developing your marketing plan you should consider the following:
1. Your plan should be developed in line with CCF & MB's vision statement
2. The identification of target markets using a combination of research and your own personal experience
3. The identification of your major competitors (at least two) with a competitor analysis developed for each competitor
4. The identification of CCF & MB's market position based on your research findings and analysis
5. How you would promote CCF & MB's brand and the tools you would use to achieve this
6. The provision of options for increasing yield per existing client
7. How you would implement your plan and monitor it to ensure objectives/goals/performance indicators are being met
8. How you would adjust your plan if required. (1,000 words)

You may use any format for your plan but it must address each of the points above. If you are unsure as to how to write a plan, you can refer to the Business Growth and Marketing topic and use the suggested SMEAC format outlined in Part 5, Section 12.

When completing this task, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the background information.

Task 6 - Identifying risk and applying risk management processes

George and Mildred have become very concerned about the potential risks that could jeopardise CCF & MB's business operations. They were very impressed with your growth and marketing plans for CCF &MB so they have now moved you into more of a general manager's role with expanded responsibilities, including managing CCF & MB's risk. As part of your new responsibilities you are required to develop a risk management plan.

In producing this plan you are required to:
1. Establish the context for CCF & MB's risk management plan
2. List and explain the tools you will use in assessing the risks you identify
3. Identify the stakeholders you would consult in establishing context and the tools you would use in identifying CCF & MB's risks
4. Identify at least two risks that CCF & MB could face for each of the six categories of business risk including strategic risks, compliance risks, financial risk, operational risks, market and environmental risks and reputational risks with an appropriate risk statement for each identified risk
5. Conduct a risk analysis and risk evaluation for the risks you have identified
6. Identify treatments for them
7. How you will monitor and review them in your risk management plan.
When you are defining the risk criteria you intend to use you are required to create your own risk matrix to address likelihood and consequence.
Document your risk treatment plan using a risk register.
You may make any assumptions in producing your plan but these should be documented either in the body of your plan or separately before you produce it. (1,000 words)

Task 7- Improving the business

Over the last few months business for CCF & MB has been very good with a number of new clients coming on board as a result of implementing your business growth and marketing plans. However neither you or the business owners are satisfied with maintaining the status quo; as you and they are committed to a program of continuous improvement.

You all feel that CCF & MB's competitive advantage needs to be strengthened and a SWOT should be undertaken to establish CCF & MB's strengths and weaknesses including benchmarking the business against the industry. You now decide that you will carry out a diagnosis of the business including a SWOT analysis and a benchmarking exercise to improve CCF &MB's competitive advantage and its business. You are to produce a document covering your diagnosis which will be distributed amongst CCF & MB's key personnel.

As a minimum your document should cover the following:
1. The data you have used as part of your diagnosis to identify CCF & MB's competitive advantage
2. A SWOT analysis to identify CCF & MB's strengths and weaknesses, its threats and opportunities
3. How you identified and sourced relevant benchmarking data
4. How you selected the key indicators (and who you consulted with) for your benchmarking exercise
5. A consolidated list of the areas for improvement you have identified with a cost-benefit ratio established for each of them
6. Recommendations on the changes that may be required that will affect existing workflows or CCF & MB's organisational structure
7. A high-level action plan that will implement and monitor the recommended changes to be made. (1,000 words)

Task 8 -Managing people performance

One of your key responsibilities as general manager is to develop and implement ways to improve the performance of CCF & MB's consultants and other staff members.

Answer the following questions:
1. Why is it important to consult with stakeholders when allocating work? What are the possible consequences of allocating work without consultation?
2. Describe the process you might follow when developing quantitative and qualitative performance criteria. You should explain how you ensure that the criteria relate to CCF & MB's objectives and how to motivate staff members to achieve these objectives.
3. Describe the different ways you might gather information about a staff member's workplace performance.
4. What are the benefits of evaluating and monitoring staff members on a continuous basis?
5. Describe how you might do this in CCF & MB.
6. Why is it important to document the performance management process? Explain the possible consequences of not retaining appropriate records of this process.
7. How can reward and recognition influence the work output of employees? Describe non-financial ways of motivating employees.
Your answers should be 250 words for each numbered question above.
8. Design a high-level performance management process for CCF & MB to be rolled out to all staff members.
9. Who should you consult when designing the performance management process? List who you would consult and the reasons why.
10. Develop a checklist for delivering regular performance appraisals, including a section for team leaders and supervisors to completea section for team members participating in the performance appraisal process. (800 words)

Martin and Luis are working together on project involving the preparation for a loan application for one of CCF & MB's most influential clients, a property developer. Martin missed a deadline and the whole project is now behind schedule by a week. This is the third time in a month that he has missed a deadline. Martin has had problems with meeting deadlines in the past and has already had a written warning.

As the general manager you have been monitoring Martin's performance over the past month, providing informal feedback about his role in the project. Although he has made several improvements regarding his performance, his inability to meet deadlines has forced the delay of the client's development a further month. CCF & MB made a commitment to the client that the loan application would be with prospective lender two weeks ago.

The client is not happy that his he does not yet have an approval and is considering cancelling the agreement he has with CCF & MB and going elsewhere.

11. You have arranged to meet with Martin to talk about the project and his input. How would you go about providing constructive feedback to Martin? (500 words)

Task 9 - Showing leadership in the workplace

Leadership is defined as the ability to influence others. This assessment task requires you to reflect on your own ability to positively influence others in the workplace and the negative aspects of poor leadership.

1. Reflect on a situation where you have had a positive impact in the workplace. Please include in the reflective writing the skills, decisions and or behaviours you demonstrated that contributed to this positive change and what the impact was for the team, clients and the organisation. (400 words)

2. Reflect on a situation which was or could have been damaging to the organisation. Please include the behaviours, standards or values that were demonstrated and explain why they were detrimental. (400 words)

3. In your role as the general manager of CCF & MB create your own personal performance plan.

You may use your own personal performance plan or alternatively you can use the example below. In developing your personal performance plan you should ensure that your personal KPIs reflect CCF & MB's goals and objectives and how you can help in building CCF & MB's integrity and credibility.

4. Feedback from colleagues, staff and management may be gathered informally and formally including performance review feedback. Why is it important to analyse and interpret all feedback? (400 words)

Attachment:- Case Studies.rar

Verified Expert

This assignment concerns the various aspects of mortgage brokerage management. The report discusses and presents the assessment of a case study addressing the domain specific product structuring and analysis and also detailed business / management related domains in this context spanning marketing, performance management, leadership, risk management, etc. The report addresses all of the requirements in the best possible manner.

Reference no: EM131916843

Questions Cloud

How you make plans and manage your time : How does this verse affect how you make plans and manage your time?
Company is half-equity and half-debt : What is the price of the stock today if the company’s asset beta is 1.2, the company is half-equity and half-debt, and there are no taxes?
Explain how organization can reduce risk they would face : Explain how your organization can reduce the risk they would face in relocating? The current and projected unemployment over the next five years.
Write iep goals that are measureable : Is it difficult to write IEP goals that are measureable? Why or why not? Why is it important for the student that IEP goals are measureable?
Design a high-level performance management : Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management - Reflect on a situation where you have had a positive impact in the workplace. Please include in the reflect
Why it is a good or bad story from an ethical standpoint : Assume that everyone who reads your post has read the story and wants to know what you think the story means--or why it is a good or bad story.
Essential qualities of universal design for learning : Discuss how implementing the three essential qualities of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) could affect teaching and learning in your own classroom.
Decided to sell line of golf clubs : McGilla Golf has decided to sell a new line of golf clubs. The tax rate is 32 percent. What is the IRR for this project?
Which is most important in financial decision making : What is the difference between the embedded and marginal cost of funds in healthcare? Which is most important in financial decision making? Why



3/27/2018 3:27:58 AM

How your assignment is graded Assignment tasks are used to determine your ‘competence’ in demonstrating the required knowledge and/or skills for each subject. As a result, you will be graded as either competent or not yet competent. Your assessor will follow the below process when marking your assignment: • Assess your responses to each question, and sub-parts if applicable, and then determine whether you have demonstrated competence in each question. • Determine if, on a holistic basis, your responses to the questions have demonstrated overall competence.


3/27/2018 3:27:47 AM

Do not save your completed assignment as a PDF. The assignment must be completed before submitting it to Kaplan Professional Education. Incomplete assignments will be returned to you unmarked. The maximum file size is 5MB. Once you submit your assignment for marking you will be unable to make any further changes to it. You are able to submit your assignment earlier than the deadline if you are confident you have completed all parts and have prepared a quality submission. The assignment marking process You have 26 weeks from the date of your enrolment in this subject to submit your completed assignment. Should your assignment be deemed ‘not yet competent’ you will be give an additional four (4) weeks to resubmit your assignment. Your assessor will mark your assignment and return it to you in the Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Managementsubject room in KapLearnunder the ‘Assessment’ tab.


3/27/2018 3:27:28 AM

Word count The word count shown with each question is indicative only. You will not be penalised for exceeding the suggested word count. Please do not include additional information which is outside the scope of the question. Additional research When completing this assignment, assumptions are permitted although they must not be in conflict with the information provided in the Case Studies. You may also be required to source additional information from other organisations in the finance industry to find the right products or services to meet your client’s requirements, or to calculate any service fees that may be applicable.


3/27/2018 3:27:14 AM

Read everything in this document before you start your assignment forDiploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management. About this document This document includes the following parts: • Instructions for completing and submitting this assignment • Results and feedback • Section 1: Complex lending and broking • Section 2: Business management skills Instructions for completing and submitting this assignment How to use the study plan We recommend that you use the study plan for this subject to help you manage your time to complete the assignment within your enrolment period. Your study plan is in the KapLearnDiploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management subject room.

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