Design a heat exchanger for the following dutyreduced crude

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13373394

Design a Heat Exchanger for the Following Duty:

Reduced crude oil leaving a distillation unit with a flow rate of 3166.04 kL/d at 268 oC and is to be cooled to 243 oC by exchange with 62.8 kg/s pre-flashed crude oil coming from pre-flash unit at 206 oC. A pressure drop of 0.8 bar is permissible on both streams. Allowance should be made for fouling by including a fouling factor of 0.0003 (W/m2 oC)-1 on the reduced crude stream and 0.0002 (W/m2C)-1on the pre-flashed crude stream. Design and optimize a suitable shell-and-tube heat exchanger that can satisfy the above mentioned duty.


  • Fix a tentative geometry and perform all standard calculations;
  • Verify the adequacy of your proposed design in terms of operating parameters; and
  • Modify the proposed design to make them compatible with the required allowances of parameters.

Appendix 1: Physical property data

Note that both pre-flashed crude and reduced crude are completely liquid over the range of temperatures and pressures experienced in the exchangers

1680_Design a Heat Exchanger for the Following Duty.png

131_Design a Heat Exchanger for the Following Duty1.png

Please include a brief comment on economic aspects of heat exchanger design including impact on overall heat transfer coefficient.

Please be sure to state any assumptions made in the calculations with justifiable reasons.

Reference no: EM13373394

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