Reference no: EM131510395
This assignment also revolves around the ‘Barchester City Council Car Park System' (Car Park System)Case Study, which may be found as a separate PDF document in the Resources section of the subject Interact site.
Objective :
To apply and consolidate skills acquired in the architecture and design disciplines through developing an architecture for a simple case study, a detailed design for part of that architecture, and to express the results through the relevant UML diagrams.
Rationale: To elicit performance of taught skills in the architecture and design areas.
Part A: Architecture
1. Develop a software architecture for the Car Park System.
a. Identify the major ‘design forces' () affecting the system, and discuss the ‘architectural response' you think most appropriate for each one. (IE prioritize the most important 2 to 5 system wide requirements, and identify the design approach that you think will address each need.) Use the accompanying ‘Architectural Notebook' template to record your thoughts.
b. Develop a ‘4+1 View' presentation of your proposed high level architecture using UML 2.0 diagrams.
This includes:
i. Logical view - showing conceptual structure of the system - this could include Class, Package, and State diagrams
ii. Process view - showing dynamic behaviour of the system - this could include Sequence, Communication, or Activity diagrams
iii. Implementation view - showing the build structure of the system - this includes Component diagrams.
iv. Deployment view - showing the runtime structure of the system - this includes Deployment diagrams
Part B: Detailed Design - User Interface
2. Develop a detailed design to support the use case ‘issue season ticket' required by the season ticket subsystem in the case study. Use the full use case description given in the accompanying document: ‘Asg2 Use Case Specification' as the basis for your detailed design. (Hint: Follow the process for use case realization and develop analysis class and sequence diagram describing the use case before adding the details of UI interactions.)
a. List as many requirements for the user interface as you can, without assuming anything about the implementation technology.
b. Design a graphical user interface to support the use case, using a standard set of graphical ‘widgets' such as those supported in .NET or Java Swing. Present this as either a screen shot of a GUI prototype, or a ‘storyboard' or ‘wireframe' diagram illustrating the interface. Ensure that you take account of Norman's principles inyour design, and accompany your design with a brief explanation as to how your design reflects these principles.
c. Draw a state diagram modelling the behaviour of the high level class representing the user interface. In an accompanying table, identify what GUI elements are active, and what actions are possible in each state.
d. Draw a sequence diagram illustrating how the control class for the use case interacts with the UI and entity classes to support for the use case for the normal flow. Make sure this diagram is consistent with the state diagram developed for part c.
Note : Ignore data persistence issues for Part B.
Part C: Detailed Design - Data Management
3. Develop a database broker framework to implement a persistence mechanism for season tickets.
a. Design a SeasonTicket class that represents a season ticket. Specify the attribute types, and visibility, and operation signatures for the SeasonTicket class. (Hint: consider ALL use cases in which the SeasonTicket class participates.)
b. Map the information required by the SeasonTicket class onto a set of relational database tables in third normal form. Specify the table design.
c. For all the associations that exist for the SeasonTicket class, discuss how referential integrity can be maintained.
d. Design ‘persistence layer' classes to support interaction between the season ticket subsystem and a database.
i. Specify the attributes and operations for these classes.
ii. Modify the sequence diagram you developed for Part B to show interactions with the classes of the persistence layer. Also show interactions between the persistence layer and the database.