Design a fourbar grashof crank-rocker to give

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM131307027


PROBLEM: Design a fourbar Grashof crank-rocker to give? (Everyone will determine the terms given by professor) of rocker rotation with equal time forward and back, from a constant speed motor input.

1- Obtain graphics of angulars θ2 -Time, θ3 -Time, θ4 and μ (transmissions angle)-Time graphics by using Matlab for crank-rocker.

Bring your designed Matlab program by CD or USB Memory.

NOT 1-You can bring to my office the day you want to reports until December 2.

NOT 2- You can benefit from this book (Robert L. Norton: Design of Machinery, Fourt Edition, SEE PAGES 102-103-104)

Attachment:- Attachments.rar

Reference no: EM131307027

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