Design a flowchart and pseudocode using control breaks

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1334831

Shemrock Inc. is a brake pad manufacturing company. This company uses raw materials, such as carbon powder, iron, ash, and resin. It wants to develop an inventory management system that will have the following features:

The system should store the current inventory levels for different raw materials in a file.

If carbon powder is less than 500 lbs, then the system will check if orders are still pending on the shop floor. If pending orders are for more than 5,000 brake pads, then someone should order 2,000 lbs of carbon powder; otherwise, someone should order for 1,000 lbs of carbon powder.

Similarly, perform the same check for other raw materials iron, ash, and resin. The list of all the raw-material vendors is available with Shemrock Inc. The system should read and store the vendor information and then, depending upon the raw material that is to be ordered, print out the purchase order for that raw material. The purchase order will contain the details of the raw material such as the name, quantity, total cost, and vendor address.

Create a flowchart and pseudocode using control breaks that enable the user to print invoices for any raw material that is selected.

Reference no: EM1334831

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