Reference no: EM1380154
There are four training input/target pairs for a two-class problem:

A two-input perceptron with hard limit activation function is used to solve this classification problem. Write down the step-by-step solution to train the classifier by the basic perceptron learning rule.
Design a DSS to help decision-makers run the 2012 London Olympics.
Your proposal (including diagrams and write-up) may use any combination of DSS types, technology, architectures, frameworks, etc. that have been covered in the course. You may also apply them to any aspect(s) of the case study mentioned above.
Credit will be given for creativity, practicality and research.
Credit will be given for the following areas:
Good overall design with appropriate choice of modules, functionality, information links and flows, etc.
Modelbase: sensible choice of models with appropriate inputs and outputs. Database / Datawarehouse: sensible choice of data useful for DSS.
Choice of appropriate DSS types from the ones studied in the module. Appropriate analysis of DSS in terms of technology, evaluation procedures, etc.
Research into existing/similar DSS in place already.
Creativity, practicality and innovative thinking.
Interchange contents of working registers
: Make a stack at 1000h and use the stack to interchange the contents of all of working registers. Exchange AX with DX, BX with CX, and DI with SI.
Explain an application level protocol
: Create and explain an application level protocol to be used in an automatic teller machine and a bank's centralized computer. Your protocol should permit a user's card and password to be verified,
Find efficiency of high speed digital transmission system
: Assume I have a multiplexer that is connected to a high speed digital transmission system that can transfer 1,536,000 data bits per second.
Website creation
: Construct a basic, generic structure of a web site. Name it something generic etc. Demonstrate some basic layout of the content of the pages.
Design a dss to help decision-makers
: Design a DSS to help decision-makers run the 2012 London Olympics-Write down the step-by-step solution to train the classifier by the basic perceptron learning rule.
Problems on edges and graphs
: Suppose if we add an edge to a biconnected graph with k strongly connected components, then there are 3-situations: the endpoints of edge lie in different strongly connected component and there is no path between 2 in the original graph,
Finding total available storage capacity
: A certain hard disk has 480 cylinders, sixteen tracks, and thirty-two sectors of 512 bytes each. It spins at 4800 revolutions per minute, and has an adjacent cylinder seek time of eighty msec, and a max seek time of onde hundred msec.
Creating visual web application
: Make a Visual Studio.NET 2005 web application with one aspx form. Place a CheckBoxList, TextBox, Button, and Label control on the form.
Creating a data flow chart
: Create a Data Flow Chart and then make an application that allows a user to enter a stock transaction and determine the stockbroker's commission.