Design a database using professional principles and standard

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131504691

Assignments: Database Normalization

The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Two Individual Assignment.

Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements:

• Design a database using professional principles and standards.

• Provide a logical design of the database. As a part of the design, normalize the database to the 3NF

• Use Microsoft Visio or another tool to create this diagram to normalize the ERD to third normal form (3NF). One alternative is to create a free account to access LucidChart, a Visio compaible tool (

Submit the ERD to the appropriate Assignment Files tab.

Learning Team: W3 - Status Update

Continue working on your Learning Team Database and Presentation due in Week Five. Design your database including the creation of an ERD, identifying primary and foreign keys, determining the appropriate types for database attributes, determining necessary constraints, and normalizing the database to at least the 3rd Normal Form. Use the logical database design to create the physical database. Populate the database with test data using the requirements outlined.

Reference no: EM131504691

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Design a database using professional principles and standard : Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements: Design a database using professional principles and standards.
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Create a database using professional principles and standard : Create a database using professional principles and standards. Use a relational database software application to develop a database implementing logical design.
Issue of slavery from the time of the constitution : Given the discussion about compromises and debate over the issue of slavery from the time of the Constitution in 1788 to the Civil War in 1860-61.


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