Design a database for an insurance company

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13188118

You are to design a database for an insurance company. The data will include information about customers (name, address, phone number), information about insured cars (make, model, year, vehicle-ID#, license#, insurance rate), information about insured homes (address, insured value, insurance rate), and information about claims made on insured cars and homes (date of claim, date of settlement, amount of settlement). You may assume that all insured cars and homes are owned by a single customer, but you should allow a customer to own several cars and homes. Please state any additional assumptions you make about the real world in your design.

a) Specify an entity-relationship (E/R) diagram for your database. Don't forget to underline key attributes for entity sets and include arrowheads indicating the multiplicity of relationships (with rounded arrowheads for referential integrity). If there are weak entity sets or "isa" relationships, make sure to notate them appropriately.

Reference no: EM13188118

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