Design a class that you can use to track the books

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13692200

Answer the following questions.

Question 1.) Imagine a pile of books on your desk. each book is so large and heavy that you can remove only the top one from the pile. you cannot remove a book from under another one. Likewise, you can add another book sot the pile only by placing it on the top of the pile. You cannot add a book beneath another one. If you represent books by their titles alone, design a class that you can use to track the books in the pile on your desk. Specify each operation by stating its purpose, by describing its parameters, and by writing a pseudo code version of its header. Then write a java intergace for the piles methods. Include java doc-style comments in the code.

Question 2.) Define a class PileOfBooks that implements the interface described in question one. use a resizeable array oin your implementation. then write unit test woth adequate test cases for your implementation of class PiloOfBooks.

Answer these questions in details and give examples to support your rationale.

Reference no: EM13692200

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