Design a class named pet which should have the name fields

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Reference no: EM131308422

Design a class named Pet, which should have the following fields: •Name - The name field holds the name of a pet. •Type - The type field holds the type of animal that is the pet. Example values are "Dog", "Cat", and "Bird". •Age - The age field holds the pet's age. The Pet class should also have the following methods: •setName - The setName method stores a value in the name field. •setType - The setType method stores a value in the type field. •setAge - The setAge method stores a value in the age field. •getName

- The getName method returns the value of the name field. •getType - The getType method returns the value of the type field. •getAge - The getAge method returns the value of the age field. Once you have designed the class, design a program that creates an object of the class and prompts the user to enter the name, type, and age of his pet. This data should be stored in the object. Use the object's accessor methods to retrieve the pet's name, type, and age and display this data on the screen.

Reference no: EM131308422

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