Reference no: EM132084377
Number of Days. Design a class called NumDays. The class's purpose is to store a value that will convert the number of worked hours to a number of days.
For example, 8 hours would be converted to 1 day, 12 hours would be converted to 1.5 days and 18 hours converted to 2.25 days.
The class must have a constructor that accepts a number of hours. There must also be member function to set and get the hours and days. The class should have 2 data members, hours and days.
The class will also overload several operators:
the addition operator. This operator will add the hours of the two objects and return a new instance of the NumDays with its hour's data member set to the sum of the other two objects.
the subtraction operator will also be overloaded which will subtract the two objects and return a new instance of the NumDays class.
the prefix and postfix increment operator. These operators should increment the number of hours stored in the object. It will return an instance of the NumDays object.
the prefix and postfix decrement operator. These operators should decrement the number of hours stored in the object. It will return an instance of the NumDays object.
Note that when the number of hours changes, the number of days should always be updated. The user of this class should be able to use the object in a statement like C = A + B; where A, B and C are instances of the NumDays class. Main must show that the class and all the operators work correctly.