Design a c# windows phone 8 application

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1374970


Design and implement a C# Windows Phone 8 application based on the SoundBoard app in the Windows Phone 8 Development for Absolute Beginners textbook.


1. User can see 4 sound categories (animals, cartoon, taunts, and warnings) when the app starts. This first page is just a single page (i.e., neither pivot page nor panorama page)

2. When the user selects one of the 4 sound categories, the user will see a panorama page that contains 3 panels. The first panelgives a description (text and/or image) for that category, the second panel lists all available sounds, and the last panel is for sound recording. Those sound files can be found in the SoundBar app.

3. Each available sound is displayed in a tile as seen in the SoundBoard app but the background colour of this tile is different from that of its neighbour tiles.

4. A sound after recorded will be added to the list of available sounds in the same category. The design and implementation of this recording page can be the same as the page in the SoundBoard app.

5. You need to handle all exceptions for your app.

6. Explain how you design and implement the app in your report (5 pages max, using screen shots and C#/XAML is encouraged).

Reference no: EM1374970

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