Design a biotechnological approach for the amino acid

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM135730

Q1. Most of the world's population relies on wheat for food. Study is being conducted to produce wheat with higher protein content. Design a biotechnological approach to getting better the amino acid content of wheat.

Q2. You are the president of Community Medical Center so what decision-making models will be most effective in this situation and how are you going to communicate your decision to the surgeons, medical center employees, governing board, and to public?

Reference no: EM135730

Questions Cloud

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Design a biotechnological approach for the amino acid : Design a biotechnological approach to getting better the amino acid content of wheat. How are you going to communicate your decision to the surgeons, medical center employees, governing board, and to public.
What are the benefits of genetic engineering : What are the benefits of genetic engineering versus the potential risks.   Critics claimed that the experiment was inconclusive. Which of the criticisms would be addressed by using a swan-necked flask in its place of the unsealed flask.
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What change in the ecosystem by the course of succession : In the year following the fires, wildflowers sprouted in all burned areas, closely followed in subsequent years by seedlings of the trees that normally grow in the area, such as aspens and lodge poles pines. What changes in the Ecosystem will take pl..
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