Description of vulnerability, exploit and attack software

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Reference no: EM13325088

Description of the vulnerability, exploit, and attack software

Describe the vulnerability that the attack exploits, including how or why the vulnerability exists; what versions of software are vulnerable. Include a technical overview of the category of vulnerability (for example, SQL Injection, buffer overflow, or other as appropriate). Then introduce the exploit and attack software you have chosen to use, and give a detailed description in technical low-level terms of how the attack software is able to exploit the vulnerability. Be sure to describe and differentiate between the vulnerability, exploit, and the attack software.

Vulnerability = FTP server, port 21
Exploit = VSFTPD v2.3.4 Backdoor Command Execution or vsftpd_234_backdoor
Attack software = Kali Linux →Metasploit and Armitage

Please write your response in 800-1000 Words count and make it proper citation in your report.

Reference no: EM13325088

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