Reference no: EM131773413
Writing is seen as a neglected area in the school reform movement when compared to heavily tested subjects like mathematics and reading. Yet, writing is the conduit through which life changing professional and educational opportunities occur (Early & DeCosta, 2012).
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze instructional strategies for writing, spelling, and grammar.
In this assignment, you will research and describe ways to engage students in these strategies, while also making learning appropriately higher-order and meaningful.
Your task is to create a 12-15 slide digital presentation for future teachers explaining best methods and strategies for teaching writing, spelling, and grammar.
Use PowerPoint, Prezi, Emaze, or another slideshow tool. Be sure to include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter's notes. The slideshow should include the following:
•Description of the 6+1 Traits Writing Model and how it can be used to teach writing to elementary students and encourage critical thinking and meaning making
•Description of the writing process model and how it can be used to teach writing to elementary students and encourage critical thinking and meaning making
•Explanation of how to teach spelling in meaningful ways that encourages critical thinking and meaning making
•Explanation of how to teach grammar and conventions in meaningful ways that encourage critical thinking and meaning making.
Main types of traditional ethical theory
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What are some best methods for teaching
: What are some best methods for teaching and assessing spelling in the elementary English language arts classroom?
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: What is racialization? Is it an ideology, a sociological process, a form of politics? Is it one or all of those things? Is it none of those things?
Description of the writing process model
: Research and describe ways to engage students in these strategies, while also making learning appropriately higher-order and meaningful.
What do people long to do
: When Spring brings new life then-according to the narrator-what do people long to do?
Describe the composition of the painting
: Describe the composition of the painting, including its use of color and light, and the representation of space.
Inspiration for the virginia state capitol building
: What architectural style is the inspiration for the Virginia State Capitol building, the Rotunda building at the University of Virginia and the private home?
Annotated bibliography including the five sources
: For this assignment, you are to create an annotated bibliography including the five sources you will be using to write your argumentative essay.