Reference no: EM1333452
The objective of this assignment to is create multiple backups of databases and then to restore the databases from the backups you've created.
It is essential that you take screen shots and give explanations of the steps performed for each the steps, so that your instructor can see the process and choices you've made along the way.
NOTE: You can easily create a screen shot by pressing the Print Screen button at the top right of your keyboard, and pasting into your homework document.
Perform backups of the database you created in Unit 2 and the Northwind database (remember to take screen shots as you perform these steps).
Perform a Full Database Backup of the Northwind database, using the Enterprise Manager. Name this backup [YourName]_WindBackup_EM.
Create a table named U4_Table, in the database you created in Unit 2, with two columns called Name and Date. Add a row in this table with your name and today's date.
Create another table also named U4_Table, in the Northwind database, with two columns called Name and Date. Add a row in this table with your name and today's date.
Perform a Transaction Log backup of your database from (1.b) above. Name the backup [YourName]_[TableName]_transLogBackup.
Perform a Full Database Backup of the Northwind database, using T_SQL. Name this backup [YourName]_WindBackup_TSQL.
Delete the Northwind database, which now should include U4_Table.
Perform a restore of the Northwind database from [YourName]_WinBackup_TSQL
Name the restored database nWindRestored.
Reminder: Make sure to include a screen shot showing U4_table. Click on tables on the left pane and you may have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see U4_Table.
Perform a restore of the Northwind database from [YourName]_WinBackup_EM
Name the restored database Northwind. (You now have your original DB)
Your assignment should include the screen shots and explanations in a Word document. Also submit the actual backup files that were created. If you accepted the default locations, they should be located at C:SQLServerMSSQLBACKUP