Description of the quality strategies

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Reference no: EM132625666

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A company that you are familiar with that has a formal quality process. It is better to find a smallish company that you know, even a local company if you can find out what you need to know about it to satisfy the assignment requirements. If you pick Wal-Mart, or Apple, or Amazon, etc., you will spend a lot of time looking for information without much success. The exceptions are the auto companies. They often have very good discussions about their quality processes.

Description of the quality strategies used by this company. The text identifies Quality Strategies as - Cost - Differentiation - Focus. Notice that the assignment says, ‘strategies' so discussions about tactics, while important, are not completely relevant.

Explanation of why this company implements a quality process. What were the strategic challenges recognized by the company that lead them to realize that they needed quality processes?

A list of strategies this company has used to implement their quality processes. Why did they choose these strategies? Did any of the theories and concepts of any of the great qualities Gurus impact the selection of its quality processes and include a discussion of the impact of those theories and concepts on manufacturing and service industries in general.

Explanation of how your company implemented the quality process . Did the company study competitors, industry standards, internal or external experts, other methods or combinations of all of them in selecting and implementing its quality processes?

Obstacles they overcame and the final result. Was the quality process implementation successful? Did it achieve the desired goals? If so why was it successful? If not what were the major reasons for its failure?

Reference no: EM132625666

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