Description of the bci technology

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133477742


  • A description of the BCI technology you researched and what lobe it would interact with to work.
  • Whether or not you think it is an ethical technology. Why? Or Why not?
  • Do you foresee any disparities with access to the technology? (ex. health insurance issues, underserved communities).
  • Your understanding of the central nervous system.

Reference no: EM133477742

Questions Cloud

What tools could you use to help address an issue : What tools could you use to help address an issue that your community is facing? Describe how you would use your chosen tool.
Explain how the revenue streams differ : Explain how the revenue streams differ between the marketplace model of Axie Infinity and the selling access to data model of 23andMe
Write a policy memorandum for a legislative committee : PLCY 701- Write a Policy Memorandum for a legislative committee that is considering changes to law in this area.
Explaining its significance and drawing connections : Explaining its significance and drawing connections to other material we have studied in class as well as highlighting how each term develops the major themes
Description of the bci technology : A description of the BCI technology you researched and what lobe it would interact with to work. Whether or not you think it is an ethical technology. Why?
Describe the skills and abilities for your dream job : Describe the skills and abilities for your dream job and set a goal to attain these skills in less than five years. Summarize this position in a paragraph
Which work evoked the strongest emotional responses : Which work evoked the strongest emotional responses from you as a viewer? What did it make you want to do next and why? Analyze this images: Needle, thread, man
Write up your hypotheses-the null and alternative hypotheses : Write up your hypotheses-the null and alternative hypotheses, and results in APA format, and turn in your syntax and output
Describe one type of respiratory disorder : List and describe one type of respiratory disorder, explain what causes it, and the affects it has on respiratory structures.


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