Description of organization will know program is successful

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Reference no: EM133318244


Begin your initial post with a one-sentence summary of your proposal topic. Then, provide a brief description of how your organization (and potential funders) will know the program is successful. Include a description of the analysis and collection of data for your program proposal.

The proposed topic is: To develop a solution to the problem faced by millions of Americans who are unable to afford health insurance or cannot obtain it according to their own circumstances.

It is planned to conduct research on this issue to ascertain if certain demographic groups have been able to afford health insurance while other groups have not. It will be examined whether this study differs from that of previous studies. Subsidized healthcare insurance will be investigated further as a means of reducing the cost of health care.

Reference no: EM133318244

Questions Cloud

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Description of organization will know program is successful : Then, provide a brief description of how your organization (and potential funders) will know the program is successful.
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