Description of hrm

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1335030

Description of HRM

Over the years, the HRM function that we know today has evolved from the "personnel" department, where it was largely responsible for hiring people, administratively getting them on roll, handling discipline problems, administrating a few programs, and planning the annual picnic. It was one of the least respected functions in the organization. One hears all the time that "human capital is our most important asset." Yet, in many organizations, HRM is still struggling for respect-to be on a par with other departments and to have a seat at the "strategy table"-meeting with the CEO and leaders from the core of the organization. It is clear that HRM managers want a place at the table, but there is little evidence that this is occurring on a widespread basis.

What are at least two contributions that HRM can make to the strategy table? Make a case for why it does deserve to be there. What can HRM do to contribute at the strategy table, and what must it do to earn a seat there? Is it necessary for the organization's strategy development process to include HRM issues (or are these things that should be considered once the strategy has been developed)?

Reference no: EM1335030

Questions Cloud

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