Description for the new application specialist position

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133421060


1. Before the actual job analysis process begins, an HIM manager must complete the Following:

a. Collect primary data to support the job analysis

b. Execute a workflow analysis

c. Perform a needs assessment d. Write a job description

2. As the assistant director of the HIM department, Judy is responsible for creating a job description for the new application specialist position. As part of the data collection phase, Judy researches the AHIMA Body of Knowledge to locate similar job descriptions already on file. The Body of Knowledge is what source of data? a. Primary b. Secondary c. Tertiary d. The Body of Knowledge should not be a source of data

3. Jane is responsible for developing the positions needed for scanning inactive records in anticipation of EHR implementation. Since she has no scanning experience, Jane called the supervisors of the scanning function at three different facilities to pick their brains in regards to scanning jobs. This method of data collection for job analysis is the:

a. Competency model technique

b. Diary method

c. Observation method

d. Technical conference method

4. Which of the following would be an example of a job specification?

Reference no: EM133421060

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