Describing the progress made on your research project up

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Reference no: EM133742433 , Length: 10 minutes PPT

Project in Engineering Project Management

You are to prepare and present a PowerPoint (10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes Q&A) describing the progress made on your research project up to the time of presentation.

PowerPoint Presentation Structure:

The structure of your PowerPoint Presentation (i.e. what sections to include etc.) fully depends on each particular research and should be developed by each student based on the recommendations of your supervisors.

For more information regarding the content of your PowerPoint Presentation, you need to contact your supervisor and follow his/her advice and recommendations.

The key expectations of the PowerPoint Presentation are:

Approximately 10 minutes of oral presentation and 5 minutes of Question and Answer with academic standard. Contents of PowerPoint Presentation generally include:
Introduction & Research Background,
Previous Studies
Research Method
Data Collected and Analysis
Reference List.

Reference no: EM133742433

Questions Cloud

Reflect a culture of excellence : Reflect a culture of excellence and How were the mission, vision, and values similar to and different from your personal philosophy of nursing and core values?
How do societal norms dictate way engage in this activity : Reflect on and describe how various social structures (e.g., family, education, government, economic systems) influence this aspect of your routine.
What are the implications for networks of the future : What are the implications for networks of the future? Will wired LANs still be common or will we eliminate wired office? What about the use of cellular service?
Identify historical or modern-day woman leader : For your journal, identify a historical or modern-day woman leader. Reflect on some of the challenges she faced in leadership.
Describing the progress made on your research project up : ENGE986 Project in Engineering Project Management, Auckland University of Technology - describing the progress made on your research project up to the time
Create an infographic that promotes your theory : Using one of the following programs, create an infographic that promotes your theory in a convincing way as an ideal guide for future moral decisions.
What is the highest correlation in absolute value : Obtain the correlation matrix. What is the highest correlation in absolute value other than the diagonal elements?
Organizational culture affect change initiative : Explain how andragogy, leadership, and organizational culture affect the change initiative from transitioning from a traditional lecture-based approach
How are you cultivating icc at this stage in your life : How are you cultivating ICC at this stage in your life? Reflect a bit here on your own intercultural communication competence.


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