Describing the process and conclusion of investigation

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132411766

Biology 211 - Unknown Identification Paper

Instructions: Write a minimum two-page paper describing the process and conclusion of your unknown investigation. This paper should include the following:

1. A description of the media used and what the results on each type of media indicate.

2. A detailed description of each organism you identified. Where it can be found in nature. Whether it is pathogenic to humans, what types of disease it can cause, and what type of antibiotics are useful against it.

3. Describe your results in detail and explain how you arrived at your conclusions.

4. Cite at least four references in your paper using APA format.

5. Include a cover page and a reference page.

General Information: Unknown reports in microbiology are written in scientific format. Scientific writing is different from other types of writing in that the results of the exercise or experiment are being showcased, not the writing. The purpose of scientific writing is not to entertain, but to inform. The writing should be simple and easy to understand. A specific style must be followed when writing scientific reports.

Scientific writing is typically written in the passive, third-person only voice. Use detailed and specific language rather than general terms such as "very", "many", "a lot", and "sometimes". The pronouns "I", "we", and "they" are not used. For example, instead of writing "I used a TSA plate to isolate my unknown...." It is customary to write, "A trypticase soy agar plate (TSA) plate was used to isolate the unknown." It is also customary to write in the past tense for most of the report. This includes the introduction, summary, description of materials and methods, and the results. The present tense is reserved for the conclusions and results.

Microbial Nomenclature: The name of the bacterium should be written out and spelled correctly. The name should be italicized or underlined. Italicized is preferred. For example, Staphylococcus aureus. The genus is capitalized but the species is not. After the full genus name is given in the paper, it can be written as S. aureus, but still italicized. This is as long as there is no other genus in the paper that starts with the same letter. For example, if you have a Staphylococcus species and a Salmonella species as your unknowns, you cannot abbreviate.

Mechanics: The lab report should be typed using a 12-point normal font such as Times New Roman or Arial, and should be single-spaced. The lab report will be graded on content as well as spelling, grammar, punctuation, and organization. The body of the lab report should be a minimum two-page paper describing the process and conclusion of your unknown investigation.

NOTE: Other than the title page, the pages of the report should be numbered. Please include some pictures in the paper.

Attachment:- Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132411766

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