Reference no: EM133712681
Read through the letter, taking note of the footnotes in your Bible that indicate a reference to the Old Testament (OT) or background information.
Choose one of the following OT references: Abraham, Rahab, Job, Elijah, proverbs, or wisdom. Look up passages in the Old Testament that give background information for who that person is and what they did, or that give information about or examples of that OT concept.
To locate relevant OT passages, you can search: an online Bible site like Biblegateway, a Bible research site like BibleOdyssey, Links to an external site. the search function of the New Oxford Annotated Bible, and the Online Resources for Biblical Research. As you compile information about the OT reference you choose, be sure to cite scripture references.
Once you have completed your research, share your findings and conclusions by creating a powerpoint presentation that includes the following slides:
Slide 1: A list of 2 to 3 passages that reveal something important about the Old Testament reference you selected. Make sure your slide also indicates which reference you chose.
Slide 2: A paragraph or graphic, like thought bubbles, describing what you learned about the Old Testament character or concept.
Slide 3: A collegiate paragraph with at least five well-formed sentences describing how the Old Testament character or concept you researched helps to elucidate the message of James. Be specific.
Your slideshow should be 3 slides. It should be collegiate in presentation, be full of details and references to the biblical text, and have correct grammar.