Describes the primary goal of a research project

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13951986

1. Which of the following BEST describes the primary goal of a research project?

To prove your idea is the best

To bring a conversation to a close

To win a debate on an issue

To push a conversation forward
Question 2. 2. The majority of your research should be conducted
via the World Wide Web.

via Ashford Library databases.

via the Google search engine.

via the Bing search engine.

Question 3. 3. You must only give credit to a source when you use a direct quotation.


Question 4. 4. When completing your thesis statement, you should have all of the following EXCEPT
definitive answers to your topic question.

examples and cases for evidence.

an interpretative framework.

multiple partners-in-inquiry.

Question 5. 5. "Classic" and "Rogerian" are types of what?




Question 6. 6. What can a coherent question provide for you?
Broad access to a large community of scholars

Agreement amongst scholars of the truth of a particular issue

An area of controversy in need of clarification

Open-ended questions for further research

Question 7. 7. When completing your thesis statement, you should have all of the following EXCEPT
definitive answers to your topic question.

examples and cases for evidence.

an interpretative framework.

multiple partners-in-inquiry.

Question 8. 8. Which ONE of the following research purposes offers the best contribution to the field?
To avoid conflict

To summarize the achievements of others

To complicate the issues

To offer something new and interesting

Question 9. 9. Which of the following is the BEST way to begin the research process?
Look for information that only supports your views.

Look for information that is easiest to access.

Look for a compelling conversation among scholars.

Look for a social experiment on popular television.

Question 10. 10. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of a thesis?
To respond to one or more researchers' positions

To prove a point

To present a straightforward definition of the topic

To cite relevant evidence to support your argument

Question 11. 11. Which of the following is NOT advised to overcome "writer's block?"
Commit to a schedule of work.

Refer back to pre-writing materials and outlines.

Focus on the final grade you want in the class.

Use multiple writing techniques.

Question 12. 12. When using the BEAM style of evaluation, which of the following is UNLIKELY to occur?
Writers will probably meet all research needs.

Writers will need multiple examples of all four kinds of sources.

Any single source will probably feature more than one of the BEAM categories.

Writers will only need one source to serve all four functions.

Question 13. 13. Which of the following does NOT apply to student researchers?
You must demonstrate knowledge of a subject.

You must include credible, scholarly research.

You must actively respond to the experts in your writing.

You must seek to correct other studies.

Question 14. 14. If you are confused about an issue, which of the following strategies is MOST effective?
Try writing about your confusion.

Copy/paste the views of another author.

Go looking for more sources.

Pick another research topic.

Question 15. 15. Identify the sentence with the pronoun-antecedent agreement error.
The school board finally announced their decision Friday.

He was audited because he was never on time with his taxes.

The dog was running so fast that it crashed into the fence.

Mary didn't think she was in trouble, but she was in trouble.

Question 16. 16. Which of the following statements is considered a distinguishing characteristic of a research question?
It is formed after consulting existing research.

It has an obvious "yes" or "no" answer.

It includes large generalizations on several topics.

It features very emotional language that is casual in tone.

Question 17. 17. To meet research deadlines, which of the following criteria is MOST useful?
Open-ended research questions

Expertise in the field of study

A narrow focus

A broad view of a topic

Question 18. 18. If a student simply forgets to cite a source, it isn't plagiarism.


Question 19. 19. Which of the following statements is a myth about writing?
Fear of looking foolish prevents writers from excelling.

Time and effort are the most important criteria to better writing.

Writing what you believe readers will want to hear will help you overcome fear.

Modeling your own writing on someone else's will help you overcome fear.

Question 20. 20. An annotated bibliography is a
tool used to organize research efforts.

a part of the revision process.

located in the back of every textbook.

available in the library.

Question 21. 21. Getting started with your research is most easily done by using which ONE of the following methods?
Viewing only peer-reviewed, scholarly data

Starting with a broad Google search

Considering all Internet writers

Interviewing peers and faculty for their opinions

Question 22. 22. Which of the following is NOT a great demonstration of scholarly writing material?
Lecturing readers on common knowledge

Making an argument

Criticizing another writer's method

Borrowing expert authority

Question 23. 23. In the body of your essay, you are asking readers to do WHICH ONE of the following?
To consider their biases

To review the topic for themselves

To adopt your opinion without considering other options

To hold onto their opinions

Question 24. 24. One of the consequences for academic dishonesty at Ashford is
dismissal from the university.

a failing course grade.

a failing assignment grade.

All of the above

Question 25. 25. Which of the following is the PRIMARY motivation for publishing credible work?
Desire to advance a political agenda

Pursuit of truth as the highest goal

Desire to entertain readers

Strong faith in one's own beliefs

Question 26. 26. To assess research needs, a researcher should begin with WHICH ONE of the following elements?
Develop an initial set of research questions.

Review theories relevant to the research question.

Find background, exhibit, argument, and method (BEAM) sources.

Write a draft of the thesis statement.

Question 27. 27. A thesis statement must be written as a complete sentence.


Question 28. 28. Which of the following strategies is MOST useful as a follow-up to citing a passage?
Allow readers to see the passage as they choose.

Tell readers what you think of the passage.

Conceal the writer's assumptions.

Keep passage separate from other ideas or elements.

Question 29. 29. Quoted passages from your sources provide all of the following strengths to an essay EXCEPT
they allow an author to speak without need for analysis.

they deliver information within your paper.

they support evidence.

they provide opportunities to show how your ideas relate to others.

Question 30. 30. We can expect that the work of research will NOT provide us with which of the following?
New and exciting perspectives

Inspiration for related research projects

Clear and definitive solutions

New insight into the research topic

Question 31. 31. How is the final section of a research paper (usually the last page) titled?


Works Cited

Works Referenced

Question 32. 32. Synthesizing tables are most helpful for WHICH of the following reasons?
Noting the variety of alternate views on the topic

Capturing areas of disagreement

Noting sources of agreement

Citing examples of writer's main thoughts

Question 33. 33. How are background sources MOST relevant to researchers?
They explain an interesting theory related to the topic.

They provide a convincing argument on one side of the debate.

They explain the best ways to conduct research projects.

They feature established facts that help ground the researcher's work.

Question 34. 34. Which of the following is the BEST definition of small-scale research project?
An insightful explanation of the current knowledge on a topic

A summary that does not contribute to the larger discussion

A project that tries to answer complex research questions

An expression of one's personal beliefs on a subject

Question 35. 35. When writing a thesis paragraph, you should AVOID
explaining the significance of your thesis.

claiming other authors' ideas as your own.

establishing your own perspective in a scholarly debate.

articulating your thesis as a response to established research.

Question 36. 36. A bad thesis produces all of the following effects on readers EXCEPT
it prevents writers from thinking carefully about evidence.

it allows writers to rush to judgment.

it directs writers to repeatedly make the same point.

it prompts writers to think carefully about problematic views.

Question 37. 37. Which method of research offers the MOST comprehensive list of academic articles across disciplines?
Accessing Google Scholar's broad database

Using a specialized database at a library

Searching the dictionary

Viewing specific encyclopedias online

Question 38. 38. As you finalize the essential and supporting questions of the research stage, you need to determine WHICH of the following:
Your questions have asked everything possible in order to cover all bases.

Your supporting questions relate back to your essential questions.

Essential questions are independent and do not relate to your supporting questions.

You only focus on noncontroversial questions.

Question 39. 39. The topic sentence should be the first sentence in a paragraph.


Question 40. 40. Choose the best thesis statement.
The federal government has had a courteous and supportive relationship with Planned Parenthood and other women's health facilities for decades; however, funding from federal coffers should not be spent on procedures that are deemed unethical and murderous in the eyes of taxpayers.

In this paper, I will explain my views on abortion.

This paper will show that women's health issues are important in America today and why Planned Parenthood should continue to receive federal funding.

Question 41. 41. This in-text citation-(para. 9)-indicates that
it has been paraphrased nine times.

no page number is available and the quote occurs in the ninth paragraph.

the full citation can be found on page nine of the research paper.

None of the above

Question 42. 42. The concept of "affordances" offers all but one of the following to writers in the research process.
Affordances provide qualities that enable researchers.

Affordances create a productive environment for a researcher.

Affordances create false starts and can direct researchers away from the central topic.

Affordances are relative to particular situations only.

Question 43. 43. What is the best way to describe the concept of a "community of thinkers"?
Insistence of the truth of one's own beliefs on a subject

Exchange and contribution of ideas among critical thinkers

Discussion within groups of like-minded individuals

Heated debates where one side clearly wins the argument

Question 44. 44. Ashford University instructors use anti-plagiarism resources to determine the originality of submitted written work.


Question 45. 45. A thesis statement can be written as a question.


Question 46. 46. A good conclusion does all of the following EXCEPT
it explains the contents of a source with quotes and citations.

it articulates ideas in a complex manner that ties analysis together.

it explains implications of ideas and the importance of the research.

it encourages readers to pursue the topic further.

Question 47. 47. Limiting the scope of your research project can involve all of the following, EXCEPT
specifying a subtopic to help limit your research.

exploring a problem fully and completely.

defining a location where you will focus your attention.

viewing your topic through a specific theoretical perspective.

Question 48. 48. Representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise, including draft assignments that are submitted and graded as a part of the curriculum, is plagiarism.


Question 49. 49. A keyword search in the library's databases functions exactly like a regular Google web search.


Question 50. 50. How are method sources MOST relevant to researchers?
They provide readers with claims to dispute evidence.

They provide readers with materials to accept basic premises as truthful.

They offer readers a particular procedure or perspective to assess usefulness.

They offer readers concrete data or examples to assess claims.

Question 51. 51. Once a writer has completed the first stages of the research project, which of the following is MOST recommended?
Writers should follow a strict schedule and not skip around.

Students should avoid locating new sources and be satisfied with what has been written.

Writers should review their work and revise periodically.

Students must work ahead and complete upcoming stages early.

Question 52. 52. Which of the following will likely confuse your reader when describing your basic topic?
Insight into your perspective

Extensive details about your topic

Comparison to similar topics

Contrasts with familiar topics

Question 53. 53. Writers who treat readers as fellow researchers do all of the following EXCEPT
admit their arguments are limited and open to critique.

state facts on a subject for the reader to accept without question.

display evidence from which they draw conclusions.

invite readers to join a conversation.

Question 54. 54. What definition BEST describes the relationship between sibling topics and central topics?
Sibling topics are related to the central idea and important to consider.

Sibling topics are more general than your central topic.

Sibling topics show the details of your central topic.

Sibling topics are unrelated to your central topic and irrelevant.

Question 55. 55. Synthesizing research is important work for all of the following reasons EXCEPT
diversity of opinion.

comprehensive scope.

freedom from complications.

open-ended interpretations.

Question 56. 56. Choose the best thesis statement.
Parents should regulate the amount of television their children watch.

Even though television can be educational, parents should regulate the amount of television their children watch.

While television can be educational, parents should regulate the amount of television their children watch because it inhibits social interaction, shortens children's attention spans, and isn't always intellectually stimulating.

Question 57. 57. Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of a thesis?
To respond to one or more researchers' positions

To prove a point

To present a straightforward definition of the topic

To cite relevant evidence to support your argument

Question 58. 58. When writing your global purpose, which of the following is NOT considered a helpful practice?
Being explicit about your research purpose

Being specific in your claims

Being clear on the issues you'll cover

Being careful not to take a position

Question 59. 59. Research skills are primarily valued for which of the following reasons?
Their role in aiding memorization

Improving problem solving ability

Impressiveness for entry-level job positions

Creating beliefs and faith-based opinions

Question 60. 60. A sentence fragment is
an abbreviated sentence.

an incomplete sentence.

a simple sentence.

a run-on sentence.

Question 61. 61. In the Chapter 2 case study, while researching the impact of technology on teen social life, Emma uses supporting questions to do all of the following EXCEPT
to locate open-ended questions for further consideration.

to find new ways to gather and interpret data.

to discover new questions to ask.

to uncover new relationships.

Question 62. 62. Researchers are LEAST likely to want to know which of the following from their sources?
How other researchers have framed their questions

What existent data proved useful in previous research

Popular opinions on their topic

False starts other researchers have taken

Question 63. 63. Which of the following local purposes is NOT useful in the body of the essay?
Providing exhibits to elaborate the problem

Filling gaps in conversation

Supporting the argument about the causes of a problem

Supporting traditional views without question

Question 64. 64. Which of the following considerations is NOT an important question to ask when choosing a database?
Does the database provide full-text or abstracts?

Are the articles in the database difficult to understand?

Does the database offer electronic delivery?

How current are the publications?

Question 65. 65. When starting your search for peer reviewed scholarly sources, which of the following types of databases is your BEST choice?
A subject-specific database

A field-specific database

A general-purpose database

A basic Google search

Question 66. 66. Which of the following sources is likely NOT useful beyond the information it contains?
A source that is lengthy and treats subject with complexity

A source that uses the specialized language of experts

A source that serves multiple purposes

A source that is short and presents answers as matters of fact

Question 67. 67. Choose the best topic sentence.
Although pets walk on bare paws and may shed hair or fur, they should be permitted in restaurants because they are more clean and hygienic than most people in my family.

There are a number of dog breeds that do not shed fur; instead, they grow hair.

All dogs go to heaven.

Question 68. 68. When starting a writing project, researchers should approach their research topic as
an interesting problem to be solved.

a potential affirmation of faith and beliefs.

an area with limited perspectives and little to uncover.

a randomly selected topic being researched by force.

Question 69. 69. A topic sentence must support the thesis statement.


Question 70. 70. Which of the following is the LEAST useful type of source?
One that includes other researchers' analysis

One that offers just facts or information

One that offers you new perspectives

One that includes at least one of the BEAM elements

Question 71. 71. Which of the following is NOT recommended when starting an introduction?
Create a clear relationship between a few salient facts.

Describe your topic in overly general or vague language.

Avoid introducing abstract terms.

Define and illustrate the terms you present.

Question 72. 72. Course textbooks are useful resources for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT
they provide a short overview of the topic.

they help researchers understand the specialized language of a field.

they feature the most recent academic debates on the topic.

they give readers a general sense of the important topics in the field.

Question 73. 73. Which of the following approaches is MOST helpful during the research process?
Approaching research with an open mind

Only seeking facts that support one's personal beliefs

Rejecting unconventional ideas and research

Supporting research based on illogical arguments

Question 74. 74. The introduction of your essay should include all of the following elements EXCEPT
your problem.

your evidence.

your framework.

your thesis.

Question 75. 75. Subject guides in a university library provide all of the following resources EXCEPT
specific peer reviewed articles.

useful database recommendations.

the names of useful subject-specific resources.

reference books.

Reference no: EM13951986

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