Describes the movement of inventory

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13192622

Fresh-Mart Grocery is a regional grocery chain that is developing an information system to monitor inventory levels, product sales, and merchandise turnover. As products are sold in stores, they need to be replaced by shipments from the distribution centers. The IT manager wants you to document a process called BALANCE that determines whether extra product inventory is needed in a particular store. The BALANCE process is to be used in a just-in-time inventory system that automatically orders products and routes them to various stores for sale. A store manager can override the automatic BALANCE process if he or she so desires to get more product into a store.


1. Create a decision table that describes the movement of inventory.

2. Draw a decision tree that describes the merchandise inventory management process.

3. Name four attributes that you can use to define a data flow in the grocery inventory information system.

Name four attributes that you can use to define a data store in the grocery inventory information system.

Reference no: EM13192622

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