Describes the leadership style to centralize authority

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Reference no: EM13809892

1 . Which of the following describes the leadership style in which a leader tends to centralize authority, dictate work methods, make unilateral decisions, and limit employee participation?

A. Cultural style
B. Autocratic style
C. Democratic style
D. Laissez-faire style

An autocratic leader makes decisions on his or her own regarding processes and practices in an organization or team. This type of leader prefers to retain sole authority of the project or situation.

2. The ________ style of leadership describes a leader who tends to value employee participation, including in such areas as decision making and deciding on work methods and goals.

A. cultural
B. autocratic
C. democratic
D. laissez-faire

Leaders with a democratic style enjoy involving subordinates in important work-related activities, including decision making and deciding on work methods and goals. Democratic leaders also tend to provide feedback to coach employees.

3. Which of the following describes the leadership style in which the leader generally gives the group complete freedom to make decisions and complete the work in whatever way it sees fit?

A. Cultural style
B. Autocratic style
C. Democratic style
D. Laissez-faire style

A leader using a laissez-faire style of leadership gives groups little direction. Employees are given the power to make decisions and complete tasks as they see fit. The power lies within each employee.

4. The ________ model proposed that the results of the least-preferred coworker questionnaire could determine whether someone was relationship or task oriented, and these results would determine effectiveness of group performance.

A. Fiedler contingency
B. situational leadership
C. leader participation
D. path-goal

The Fiedler model was the first comprehensive contingency model of leadership. After assessing an individual's leadership style through the least-preferred coworker questionnaire, the situation was evaluated. After style and situation were assessed, the effectiveness of group performance could be determined.

5. Which leadership model proposed that the final component in the model is the four stages of follower readiness, and different levels of follower readiness call for a different leader-follower relationship?

A. Path-goal model
B. The Fiedler model
C. Charismatic-visionary leadership
D. Situational leadership

Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership model emphasizes followers because it is the followers who accept or reject the leader. This model states that when a follower is more advanced in the stages of follower readiness, the leader should decrease control over follower activities and decrease relationship behaviors.

6. According to Hersey and Blanchard, a low task-high relationship situation calls for the ________ leadership style.

A. delegating
B. telling
C. participating
D. selling

In the participating leadership style, the leader's main role is to facilitate and communicate. In this style, both the leader and the followers have input into important decisions, which can make employees feel valued.

7. When Alan Jackman got promoted as the head of the sales team at Mac Software Inc., he chose three of his closest friends in the team to form the core sales group with him. Which of the following predictions would be consistent with the leader-member exchange theory?

A. Such an arrangement eventually becomes unstable.
B. Job satisfaction is more likely to be higher for the team members who are not a part of the core group.
C. Team members who are not a part of Alan's core group are actually far more competent than his friends who form the core team.
D. Alan's core group will engage in more helping or citizenship behaviors at work.

Leaders tend to invest more time and resources with those employees in the in-group, and these employees, in turn, report greater job satisfaction. The in-group, or core, employees will enjoy their jobs more and will want to give back to the organization in a greater way than those in the out-group.

8. Which of the following is an accurate statement about managers transferring into the role of effective team leaders?

A. They will instinctively know how to effectively lead a team to success.
B. They will be able to apply command-and-control type functions that were used in the past.
C. They may try to retain too much control at a time when team members need more autonomy.
D. Team leadership will come naturally to them.

The role of a team leader is different than a traditional management role, and many managers are not equipped to handle the change to employee teams. While some managers will never be able to lead a team, most can learn how to be effective in a team leadership situation.

9. Rachel Keller's colleagues and subordinates have a high regard for her. They know that Rachel can help them meet their goals, and she is always willing to reward them when they do. What her subordinates like best about Rachel is that they know she appreciates their work by the team lunches she often holds. Which of the following best describes Rachel's leadership style?

A. Transactional
B. Charismatic
C. Trait
D. Transformational

Transactional leaders lead by primarily using social exchanges. These types of leaders motivate employees by rewarding them for their performance.

10. Which of the following is the type of power a person has because of his or her level of authority in the business?

A. Legitimate power
B. Coercive power
C. Reward power
D. Expert power

Legitimate power and authority are the same, and this type of power represents the power a leader has because of his or her position in the organization.

11. Sam Meyers manages a telemarketing call center. He has 20 employees working for him who are displeased with the way he yells and threatens to terminate them for what they see as small issues. Which kind of power is Sam using to get the job done?

A. Legitimate power
B. Coercive power
C. Reward power
D. Referent power

In this example Sam is using coercive power. When a manager uses coercive power, followers typically react out of fear of what might happen if they do not comply.

12. Marsha Lewis is the manager at a fast-food establishment, managing a staff of 25 employees. Many of her staff members are extremely impressed with how she handles her work, and they emulate Marsha's behaviors and actions in working with others. The team believes Marsha is fair and understanding, and she always promotes from within when employees have been performing well. Which two sources of power does Marsha use in this example?

A. Reward and referent power
B. Referent and coercive power
C. Expert and reward power
D. Referent and expert power

Reward power is the power to give positive rewards, while referent power is the power that arises because of a person's desirable resources or personal traits.

13. What performance measure considers the efficiency and effectiveness of employees?

A. Employee productivity
B. Organizational citizenship behavior
C. Job satisfaction
D. Turnover

Employee productivity is a measure of the efficiency (doing things right) and effectiveness (doing the right things) of staff members.

14. What aggregate measure allows managers to assess how happy an employee is with the many different factors at his or her job?

A. Employee happiness
B. Workplace misbehavior
C. Employee productivity
D. Job satisfaction

Job satisfaction is an attitude not a behavior; however, managers measure it to ensure employees are pleased with their work lives. Higher levels of job satisfaction mean that employees tend to perform better at work.

15. When an employee volunteers to run a canned food drive, this is an example of

A. employee productivity
B. organizational citizenship behavior
C. employee happiness
D. job satisfaction

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) includes helping others on a work team, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, and volunteering for extended job activities. Evidence shows that employees who participate in OCB perform better than employees who do not, but drawbacks of OCB can occur if employees find themselves overloaded.

16. In the Big Five Model of personality, an employee who is good-natured and highly cooperative, would be referred to as scoring high in the trait of ________.

A. extraversion
B. agreeableness
C. conscientiousness
D. emotional stability

Employees who score low on the trait of agreeableness might not be good-natured, cooperative, and may have issues trusting leaders and coworkers.

17. In the Big Five Model of personality, conscientiousness refers to ________.

A. the degree to which someone is calm, enthusiastic, and secure (positive) or tense, nervous, depressed, and insecure (negative)
B. the degree to which someone is sociable, talkative, assertive, and comfortable in relationships with others
C. the degree to which someone is reliable, responsible, and dependable
D. the degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over certain factors

An employee who is high in conscientiousness is counted on by managers and coworkers.

18. Susan is often described as being fascinated by many things, including outdoor activities, inventive art exhibits, and books by up-and-coming authors. According to the Big Five Model of personality, Susan would be described as ________.

A. conscientious
B. extraverted
C. emotionally stable
D. open to experience

Someone who is open to experience "has a wide range of interests and is imaginative, fascinated with novelty, artistically sensitive, and intellectual".

19. ________ theory gauges whether a person's behavior shows distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency.

A. Perception
B. Behavior
C. Attribution
D. Social contrast

Attribution theory explains how individuals judge people differently depending on what meaning they ascribe to a given behavior. How individuals gauge a person's behavior on the items of distinctiveness, consensus, and consistency helps them to judge whether the behavior was caused by internal or external factors.

20. Garth manages a team of 5 salespeople. One of the salespeople, Robert, has been late to work for the past few days. If Garth attributes Robert's tardiness to a lack of caring about his job versus Robert having to drop his wife at work, Garth is using the________.

A. fundamental attribution error
B. self-serving bias
C. assumption of similarity
D. halo effect

The fundamental attribution error states that individuals underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about others.

21. At work today, Tanya received the good news that the team she was part of secured a winning bid for her company to serve as the architect partner for a new shopping mall. Tanya also received the bad news that the transmission on her car must be replaced. Tanya credits the good news to her ability to complete work on time and the bad news to the poor craftsmanship of her car. Tanya is exhibiting a(n) ________.

A. assumed similarity
B. stereotyping
C. fundamental attribution error
D. self-serving bias

Reference no: EM13809892

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