Describes the journey of food through alimentary canal

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133491403


1. Which of the following is the definition of ventilation as it relates to the respiratory system?

a. The transfer of oxygen to red blood cells

b. The transfer of carbon dioxide to red blood cells

c. The circulation of air into and out of the lungs

d. he circulation of air into and out of the body cells

2. A person injures their bronchioles. This would lower the amount of oxygen entering the blood because incoming air must travel through the bronchioles to reach which of the following structures?

a. Alveoli, where oxygen enters the blood

b. Bronchi, where oxygen enters the lungs

c. Trachea, where oxygen enters the blood

d. Diaphragm, where oxygen enters the lungs

3. A bacterial infection damages the diaphragm so that it only weakly contracts. This would impact which of the following stages of breathing?

a. Exhalation, during which the diaphragm moves inferiorly by contracting

b. Exhalation, during which the diaphragm moves superiorly by contracting

c. Inhalation, during which the diaphragm moves superiorly by contracting

d. Inhalation, during which the diaphragm moves inferiorly by contracting

4. Which of the following might a doctor expect to see in a patient who is experiencing respiratory problems on a high ozone-level day?

a. Constricted air passages and lower air pressure in the lungs at maximum inhalation

b. Dilated air passages and higher air pressure in the lungs at maximum inhalation

c. Constricted air passages and higher air pressure in the lungs at maximum inhalation

d. Dilated air passages and lower air pressure in the lungs at maximum inhalation

5. (05.01 Honors MC)

Image Courtesy of 3DScience

Oxygen diffuses in which direction in the alveolus pictured above?

a. C to A

b. A to C

c. D to B

d. B to D

6. A pathogen that enters the respiratory track would have to get past which of the following respiratory defenses before being able to infect the bloodstream?

a. Cilia and red blood cells

b. Cilia and white blood cells

c. Flagella and white blood cells

d. Flagella and red blood cells

7. The loss of cilia in the respiratory tract may result in which of the following?

a. Reduced mucus production in the alveoli

b. Inability of air to enter the alveolar space

c Reduced red blood cell flow through the capillaries of the alveoli

d. Foreign particles becoming embedded in the water-surfactant layer

8. What is the function of adrenaline in the digestive system?

a. Triggers muscle contraction in the digestive organs

b. Triggers greater production of digestive juices

c. Decreases the flow of blood to the digestive organs

d. Decreases the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach

9. Which of the following describes the journey of food through the alimentary canal in the correct order?

a. Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, large intestines, small intestines

b. Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

c. Mouth, esophagus, pharynx, stomach, large intestine, small intestine

d. Mouth, small intestine, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, large intestine

10. Which of the following would be caused by a malfunction of the cardiac sphincter?

a. Leakage of hydrochloric acid into and erosion of the esophagus

b. Leakage of hydrochloric acid into and erosion of the small intestine

c. Leakage of pancreatic juice into and erosion of the liver

d. Leakage of pancreatic juice into and erosion of the large intestine

Reference no: EM133491403

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