Describes the government or nonprofit organization

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Reference no: EM131971853

Please answer all the questions according to the number.

It must follow APA Publication Manual guidelines. The project should be 13- pages in length (double-spaced), not including the title page, abstract, and at least 8-10 scholarly resources, excluding any organizational brochures or other nonacademic sources.

Support your Final Project with specific references to all resources used in its preparation.

1. An introduction that describes the government or nonprofit organization, the setting, and any other information about the organization or related background that readers need in order to understand the organization and its ethical and social justice issues; a description of the ethical issues facing the organization and public administrators within the organization

2. An explanation of the ethical issues related to two or more of the philosophical theories that this course introduces

3.A summary of the major ethical challenges and conflicts of responsibility presented to individuals in the organization and to the organization as a whole

4.A summary of the strategies that the organization uses to maintain responsible conduct

5.An explanation of your recommendations for addressing the issues, including a rationale for your recommendations and an explanation of why they might be effective in addressing the issues, with consideration given to the possible involvement of guerrilla government employees

6.An analysis of the factors that would affect the implementation of the recommendations by using the ethical decision-making model

7. A description of the outcomes you would expect if the organization implemented your recommendations

8. An explanation of how the issues you raised are related to at least two of the four social justice themes (human rights, equality, liberty, and justice)

Reference no: EM131971853

Questions Cloud

Will purchasing a house save your parents : Will purchasing a house save your parents any money if the annualized interest rate is 5% compounded monthly? Assume your siblings will each spend 4 years.
Management positions in company : For the study described below, identify the sample statistic 1500 American women working for large companies were polled to determine the percentage
Analyze the complex administrative responsibilities : In this Assignment, you analyze the complex administrative responsibilities in ensuring public freedom while protecting civil liberties.
What effect would an increase on the strike price : Everything else being constant, what effect would an increase on the strike price of an option have on the value of a call option? A put option has an exercise.
Describes the government or nonprofit organization : An explanation of the ethical issues related to two or more of the philosophical theories that this course introduces.
How much is this bank excess reserves : Consider the following hypothetical bank's balance sheet (only this partial view is needed to answer questions 1 to 5). The reserve requirement is 25 percent.
What are the annual incremental cash flows : What are the annual incremental cash flows that will be available to Ewert Exploration if it undertakes Plan B rather than Plan A?
Intercultural communication issues in different contexts : BUSN20017 Effective Business Communication - Written Report and Oral Presentation - write a report based upon the following case study and then presentation
How many names did chike receive at birth : In "Araby," the former tenant of the narator's house left some books behind. Which of these books were NOT among them?


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