Describes the cannon-bard theory of emotions

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Reference no: EM133526664


1. The concept that the human body tries to keep a set point for such things as oxygen, sugar, water, and salt levels is known as




physiological stasis.

physiological balance.

2. Doug drinks a giant glass of water. His body detects extra water in the blood and so shuts off all hormones related to water retention in the kidneys and brain. There are also signals sent to different areas of the brain so that Thorsten loses the desire to drink more water. This is an example of

a negative feedback loop.

physiological balance.


regulatory stasis.

positive homeostasis.

3. Which organ are the hormones insulin and glucagon synthesized and secreted by

the liver.

the gallbladder.

the small intestine.

the stomach.

the pancreas.

4. Which area of the hypothalamus was known as the "feeding center" for a long time?

medial hypothalamus

ventral hypothalamus

dorsolateral hypothalamus

lateral hypothalamus

dorsal hypothalamus

5. Piper goes on a crash diet and loses 20 pounds in six weeks. This drops their body's fat levels very quickly. The idea that the body will work to get the body's set point of fat back to a level before the diet is known as the

glucostatic theory.

adopostatic theory.

fat equalization theory.

lipostatic theory.

lipid set-point recovery theory.

6. All of the following hormones suppress appetite except






7. Classical conditioning can affect

the release of insulin.

the release of ghrelin.

learned aversion to food that makes a person sick.

All of the above are correct.

None of the above are correct.

8. One measure to determine if someone is at a healthy weight, is overweight, or is obese is the _____________________, which is a measure of weight divided by height.

weight-height ratio

body mass index

height to weight index

body dysmorphic ratio

obesity scale

9. Which of the following is NOT given as a helpful suggestion in the textbook about attempting to lose weight?

Don't buy treats in bulk.

Lose weight at no more than one to two pounds per week-no faster.

Substitute diet drinks containing artificial sweetener for nondiet drinks with sucrose or fructose.

Reduce stress.

While losing weight, occasionally treat yourself with a favorite food.

10. Abigail eats a very salty dinner. This increases the amount of salt in the extracellular fluid while decreasing the amount of water. This will create ______________thirst.




iced T

11. Researcher Robert Sapolsky studied the hormones testosterone and cortisol in troops of





spider monkeys.

12. Which of the following is NOT a class of hormones?

simple amino acid-derived hormones

protein and peptide hormones

aromatic hormone

steroid hormone

All of the above are types of hormones.

13. What is considered to be the "master" gland because it regulates the release of hormones from other glands around the body?


adrenal gland


pituitary gland

thymus gland

14. Male orangutans are considerably larger than female orangutans. This is an example of

biological amorphism.

sexual bifurcation.

sexual dimorphism.

selective morphism.

male-female differentiation.

15. Which of the following will cause a female rat not to show sexual behavior that is typical of adult female rats?

A female rat is given estrogen as a pup and as an adult.

A female rat is given testosterone as a pup and as an adult.

A female rat is given testosterone as an adult.

A female rat is given testosterone as a pup.

More than one of the above is correct.

16. Aaron has the sex chromosomes XX but developed with the sexual characteristics of a male. This was because Aaron had a recessive trait in which the adrenal gland does not produce cortisol but produces excess testosterone. This is an example of

congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS).

antiglucocordicoid syndrome (AGS).

hyperandrogenous (HA).

hypocorticogenous (HC).

17. According to Helen Fisher's work on stages of love, which stage is most associated with an increase in testosterone?





Actually, testosterone is elevated throughout all stages of love.

18. In the research with pair-bonding and prairie voles and montane voles, which two hormones were most important in pair-bonding?

oxytocin and vasopressin

oxytocin and testosterone

testosterone and vasopressin

testosterone and estrogen

oxytocin and estrogen

19. In an attempt to create more scientifically based matchmaking, Helen Fisher divided people into four groups related to

people's preferences for food flavors: sour, sweet, salty, bitter.

people's level of dominance or submissiveness: dominant, semi-dominant, semi-submissive, submissive.

people's sexual preferences: heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual.

people's traits based on how they are expressed: dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen.

people's traits based on personality types: extraversion, semi-extraversion, semi-introversion, introversion.

20. Someone with the sexual orientation of being attracted to both sexes is referred to as ____________.





21. The psychological term used when referring to emotions is






22. The key to Plutchik's wheel of emotions is that each emotion

has a polar opposite.

is categorized by a specific autonomic response such as elevated heart rate.

is represented by distinct facial expressions.

shows great variability between different races of humans.

is found in humans but can also be demonstrated in other animals, especially primates.

23. A person is walking along and sees a snake on the ground. His heart races, and his hands get sweaty. These physiological responses are then interpreted by the brain as fear. This best represents the ____________ theory of emotions.






24. What is the name of the hypothesis that decisions are facilitated by feedback from emotional responses in the body? In this theory, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex gets information from the body's physiological responses, such as heart rate and skin response. This helps in making decisions.

the sympathetic response hypothesis

the HPA response hypothesis

the somatic marker hypothesis

the synthesis integration hypothesis

the limbic-retrieval hypothesis

25. Which of the following best describes the Cannon-Bard theory of emotions?

Donald sees a mountain lion in the woods. He becomes scared because his brain senses that his heart is racing.

Donald sees a mountain lion in the woods. He consciously becomes scared because he realizes he might be in danger, and separately his heart races.

Donald sees a mountain lion in the woods. He feels his heart racing and interprets the change in physiology and fear because of the fact he's in the woods.

Donald sees a mountain lion in the zoo. He feels his heart racing and interprets the change in physiology as joy because of seeing a beautiful animal.

26. Aaron was in a bicycle accident that caused damage to his _____________________. After the accident, he found it very difficult to make decisions. This is likely because this area of the brain receives information about emotions, which ultimately helps in decision making.

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

ventromedial prefrontal cortex

preoptic area of the prefrontal cortex

supplementary motor cortex

medial prefrontal cortex primarily in the left hemisphere

27. A sexually mature male rat enters the home range of an alpha male. Which of the following would be a behavior displayed by the alpha male?

The alpha male would bite at the intruder's face.

The alpha male would bite at the intruder's feet.

The alpha male would bite at the intruder's neck and back.

The alpha male would bite at the intruder's stomach.

The alpha male would do all of the above.

28. The body has two stress responses. One happens very quickly, and the other takes a few minutes. The fast stress response involves the

HPA axis.

sympathomedullary pathway (SAM).

adrenocorticotropic pathway.

epinephric pathway.

parasympathetic pathway.

29. In the HPA axis, what does the A stand for?


adrenal gland

anterior cingulate gyrus



30. The "stress hormone" is






Reference no: EM133526664

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