Describes chase strategy

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133351659


1. Which of the following accurately describes a Chase Strategy?

a. The firm produces the same amount each day over the planning period and deals with the variations in demand through the use of inventory or overtime

b. The firm produces at the same level for several months, and then adjusts production to another level and produces at that level for several more months.

c. The firm produces exactly what is needed every month

d. All of the options given could describe the strategy, depending on the organization

e. None of the options given accurately describes it.

2. One option for altering the pattern of demand is:

a. Hiring employees

b. Using overtime

c. Carrying inventory

d. Subcontracting

e. Pricing

3. Which of the following is not a cost relevant to aggregate production planning?

a. Basic production costs

b. Quantity discounts

c. costs associated with changes in the production rate

d. Inventory holding costs

e. Backordering costs

4. When designing service products, which of the following is not true?

a. It must fit with current products

b. It should be profitable

c. It should be done by engineers only

d. It must be operationally possible

e. Complexity and divergence should be considered

5. Which of the following is not a reason for carrying inventory?

a. To maintain independence of operations

b. To take advantage of economic purchase order size

c. To make the system less productive

d. To meet variation in product demand

e. To allow flexibility in production scheduling

6. A company wants to determine how many units of each of two (2) products, A and B, they should Produce. The profit on product A is $50 and the profit on product B is $45. Applying linear Programming to this problem, which of the following is the objective function if the firm wants to Make as much money as possible?

a. Minimize Z = 50A + 45B

b. Maximize Z = 50A + 45B

c. Minimize Z = A + B

d. Maximize Z= A/45B + B/50A

7. Efficiently scheduling material and labour is an example of

a. Strategic

b. Tactical

c. Operational

d. Short term

e. None of the options given

8. The best description of the process structure used for assembling the space shuttle is:

a. Work center

b. Manufacturing cell

c. Assembly line

d. Project layout

e. Continuous Process

9. Which of the following is not an essential condition in a situation for Linear Programming to be Useful?

a. An explicit objective function

b. Uncertainty

c. Linearity

d. Limited resources

e. Divisibility

10. Management decisions within the operations function framework can be divided into which of the Following broad areas:



Operational Planning and control


a. ii only

b. i,iii and iv

c. i,ii and iii

d. i,ii and iv

11. Given the information below, what is the most economical order quantity (EOQ)?

1. Orders must be placed in multiples of one hundred (100) units.

ii. Requirements for the year are 180,000 units. [ Use 50 weeks in a year for calculations].

The purchase price per unit (P) is $2.

iv. The carrying cost (C) is 50% of the purchase price of the goods.

The cost per order placed (V) is $400.

Desired safety stock (S) is 10,000 units (on hand) initially.

vii. One week is required for delivery.

a. 5,400

b. 5,000

c. 12,000.

d. 13,600

e. None of the options given

12. Which of the following is not true about capacity management in operations?

a. When looking at capacity, operations managers need to look at both resource inputs and product outputs

b. An operations management view also emphasizes the time dimension of capacity

c. Capacity planning itself has a different meaning to individuals at different levels within the operations management hierarchy

d. The definition of capacity, in an operations management context, makes a clear distinction between efficient and inefficient use of capacity

e. All of the options given.

13. In a college registration process, several department heads have to approve an individual student's Semester course load. What is the queuing system line structure?

a. Single channel, single phase

b. Single channel, multiphase

c.Multichannel, single phase

d. Multichannel, multiphase

e. None of the option given

14. The purposes of a basic Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) system include:

a. To control inventory levels

b. To prioritize the need for an item

c. Plan capacity to load the production system

d. To control inventory levels AND To prioritize the need for an item

e. To prioritize the need for an item AND Plan capacity to load the production system

f. To control inventory levels AND To prioritize the need for an item AND Plan capacity to load the production system

15. Counting items to ensure an order is correct is an example of:

a. Setup cost

b. Ordering cost

c. Carrying cost

d. Stock out cost

e. Holding cost

16. ABC analysis typically requires that inventory be classified according to:

a. Alphabetical order by item name

b. Annual dollar volume

c. Alphabetical order by supplier name

d. Due date

e. None of the options given

17. Production planning strategies include:

a. Chase strategy

b. Level strategy

c Stable workforce variable work hours

d. Transportation method of Linear Programming

e. Chase strategy, Level strategy AND Stable workforce variable work hours ONLY

18. Which of the following is not true about operations strategy?

a. Operations strategy is concerned with setting broad policies and plans for using the resources of the firm to best support the firm's long term competitive strategy.

b. An operations strategy involves decisions that relate to the design of a product and the infrastructure needed to support the product.

c. Operations strategy can be viewed as part of the planning process that coordinates operational goals with those of the larger organization.

d. Operations strategy involves a long-term process that must foster inevitable change.

19. Current issues in Operation Management include:

a. Coordinating manually supportive but separate organizations

b. Management of global supplier, production, and distribution networks

c. Managing customer touch points

d. ONLY Coordinating manually supportive but separate organizations AND Management of global supplier, production, and distribution networks

e. ONLY Management of global supplier, production, and distribution networks AND Managing customer touch points

f. Coordinating manually supportive but separate organizations, AND Management of global supplier, production, and distribution networks AND Managing customer touch points.

Reference no: EM133351659

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