Describes characteristics of healthy relationships between

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Reference no: EM133426904

Questions: Forming and growing healthy interpersonal relationships are essential components of community development. Student affairs departments play an essential role in cultivating healthy campus relationships through strategic training of student leaders that focuses on characteristics of leadership, service, and student development. Relational equity, or the ability for an individual to maintain healthy relationships with others, is an essential characteristic of successful student leaders.

  • Describes characteristics of healthy relationships between student leaders and the community.
  • Explains steps student leaders should take to build healthy relationships.
  • Defines interpersonal boundaries and explains how student leaders would establish them to ensure effective student leadership .
  • Compares friendship and mentorship and application to student leadership in higher education .
  • Describes strategies student leaders can employ to apply humility, compassion , and care in enhancing community on a higher education campus .


Reference no: EM133426904

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