Describes a particular moral-ethical dilemma

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697746 , Length: 2

Compose a 2-page paper, accompanied by a 2-minute narrated slide presentation that describes a particular moral-ethical dilemma that you encountered and what the outcome of that dilemma was.

Did you solve the dilemma? If so, how? If not, what were the repercussions or consequences?

What would you do differently if faced with the same problem today? What is the importance of good ethics? Why should we be concerned about our actions?

Regard the questions as prompts, not an ordering of your responses. This is not a Q&A essay, but rather a graceful reflection regarding a difficult ethical dilemma you faced.

Reference no: EM131697746

Questions Cloud

Compute the cost of capital for the project : Cost of Capital, Net Present Value Leakam Company's product engineering department has developed a new product that has a three-year life cycle.
Compute the npv of the project using the additional benefits : Compute the NPV of the project using the additional benefits noted by the production and marketing managers. Also, use the original cost estimate of $45 million
Partial pressure of nitrogen in air : On a given day, the atmospheric pressure of the air in Utah was 0.802 atm. What was the partial pressure of nitrogen in this air?
Compute the npv of the new system : Postaudit, Sensitivity Analysis Newmarge Products Inc. is evaluating a new design for one of its manufacturing processes.
Describes a particular moral-ethical dilemma : What would you do differently if faced with the same problem today? What is the importance of good ethics? Why should we be concerned about our actions?
Develop a swott table summarizing your findings : Develop a SWOTT table summarizing your findings. Your environmental analysis should consider, at a minimum, the factors below.
Calculate the mass of lactic acid contained in the sample : It requires 22.4 mL of NaOH at 0.156 M to neutralize the acid in a sample of 25.0 mL of lactic acid. Calculate the mass of lactic acid contained in the sample.
Calculate the final molarity of zinc cation in the solution : Suppose 0.731g of zinc chloride is dissolved in 350.mL of a 79.0mM aqueous solution of ammonium sulfate. Calculate the final molarity of zinc cation.
Calculate the npv of each alternative : Quality, Market Share, Automated Manufacturing Environment Fabre Company, Patterson Company's competitor, is considering the same investments as Patterson.


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