Described principles of restorative justice

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133436242

Describe possible resolutions to the following three crimes by applying the above-described principles of restorative justice.

1. A young mother in a rural community drives her car near a forest area, throws her infant down the side of the road bank, and drives away. An elderly couple living nearby hears the infant's cries, the wife calls 911, and the husband searches for and finds the baby alive and well.

2. A respected owner and founder of a well-established funeral home in the community retires, leaving the business to his son. The son gambles with customer money for headstone and grave marker orders, driving the business into bankruptcy.

3. A married man and father to two precious little girls starts an adulterous affair and murders his wife and daughters to begin his new life.

Reference no: EM133436242

Questions Cloud

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About deterring delinquent behavior : What do you think about deterring delinquent behavior by the threat of punishment at school? Can this actually control delinquent behavior?
About racialization of crime and criminalization of race : What might this incident tell us about the "racialization of crime" and the "criminalization of race" in our society?
Violent behavior in adulthood : Explain In a complete explanation what mental health is and how it can lead to violent behavior in adulthood.
Described principles of restorative justice : A young mother in a rural community drives her car near a forest area, throws her infant down the side of the road bank
Regarding sexual assault investigations : Explain why the Baltimore article regarding sexual assault investigations highlight why crime statistics can be flawed?
Element of decision to stop and frisk : When can race be an element of the decision to stop and frisk? Discuss several hypothetical situations that may fall in the "gray area" of the law.
Consensus view or conflict view : Select a law or legal case that presents the consensus view or the conflict view.
Role of citizens in community-oriented policing effort : You are to evaluate the role of citizens in the community-oriented policing effort.


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