Described a layered model of networking

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Reference no: EM13742517 , Length:

Described a layered model of networking along with details of physical implementations that together support a wide range of possible networking scenarios.

Willowvale Primary School  was built in 1968 to cater for between 300 and 450 local students in Grades Prep-6.

State government funding has allowed the school to provide all students with their own tablets for eLearning applications, writing and publishing assignments, accessing the Internet and undertaking school projects.

Each tablet can access the school's wireless network.   There are PCs in the library, the staff office and reception, all of which are wired to the school's LAN. Each staff member has a laptop and a tablet. The school has four wings.  The Junior Wing houses 6 classrooms for students in grades Prep - 2.  The Middle Years Wing has a further 4 classrooms for grades 3-4 and the Senior Wing has 4 classrooms for years 5-6.  The final wing is the Administration Centre, containing the school reception, staffroom, Principal's Office, library, multipurpose room, server room, equipment storage areas and the cleaners' store cupboard.

The school has 18 teaching staff, a principal, 2 administrative staff and 4 cleaners.

The school principal has the following basic requirements:

  • Support for all staff laptops
  • Desktop support for all PCs
  • An online printer for each wing, with two additional printers (a total of 3) in the administration centre
  • Support for student and staff tablets
  • Web Server support and Web content management
  • Maintenance of the central file server in the server room

All Internet access is provided through a Proxy server which redirects all web requests to cached web content  managed by  the  Department of  Education and  Early Childhood Development (DEECD). This provides safe Web access to students and staff. It also ensures no student or staff member is exposed to pornographic or otherwise illicit or unsafe web content.

Common Assumptions to all Scenarios

The following assumptions are to be considered common:

  • Certain computers (e.g. the web server) require a higher capacity network
  • Separate sections/departments require separate networks that are interconnected
  • The school networks are connected to the Internet but require protection
  • Some transactions, with stakeholders or other institutions/companies, require security

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Reference no: EM13742517

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