Describe your work placement objectives

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Reference no: EM133072280 , Length: word count:1500

Post Placement Document Structure

Once you have completed your placement, you are required to complete and submit a complete Post-Placement Package. This package includes:
• Employer Evaluation Form (completed by your employer)
• Work Placement Reflection Report (detailed below)

Work Placement Reflection Report Structure

This is a 1,500 to 2,000 word report that follows the structure given below. Please use complete sentences and paragraphs, correct spelling and proper grammar. At the least, address each of the following questions posed here in your report.

1. Objectives:
a. Describe your work placement objectives.
b. Describe the results that you achieved in relation to these objectives.
c. What specific tasks and activities did you perform and how did they relate to the achievement of your objectives?
d. What skills and knowledge gained in your program of studies helped you perform your work placement duties?

2. Learning:
a. What did you learn, relative to your program of study, from your work placement experience?
b. What were your strengths and weaknesses before your work placement experience and how have they changed as a result of your work placement?

3. Recommendations:
a. Relative to your program of study, what recommendations do you have for your employer about how their business could be improved?
b. What recommendations do you have for your program coordinator about how the program could better prepare students for their work placements?
c. Would you recommend that your employer host future work placement students? Why or why not?
d. What kinds of ongoing learning activities, such as further education, on-the-job training, or mentorship, will you pursue over the next year to ensure your continued employment success?

Attachment:- Post Placement Reflection Report.rar

Reference no: EM133072280

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1/23/2022 9:32:51 PM

Need to write a Post Placement Reflection Report for Work Placement course. I worked my Placement at Excel Accounting Solutions

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