Describe your view of one aspect of the future

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Reference no: EM131367751

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I was amazed that a small drone could cause this reaction in a large black bear.

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Assignments in this class are designed to have you explore some personal connection you have with life science. In the first assignment, I want you to think about how the World might change in the next 25 years. One way to come up with a topic is to reflect on how the World has changed in the past 25 years. Cellular phones, the internet, and hybrid vehicles did not exist 25 years ago, but are common today.

Please write a paper that describes your view of one aspect of the future of your World in 25 years. This view should include your predictions for how the World might change and the effects of those changes on humans and our lives. An example might be medical technology breakthroughs and the effects on our lives. Another example might be how having even more people on the Earth because of human population growth might strain our natural resources. Please pick only one topic to discuss, do not cover more than one topic. Be creative and use examples that interest you. Use specific examples to support your opinions.

The essay must be 2 pages in length, typed, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. Spelling and grammar will be taken into account for grading. Use the assignment submission tool to send this to me. Write your paper in a word processing program and then cut-and-paste the paper into the submission window on the assignment tool. DO NOT send the paper as an attachment. The formatting such as line spacing, etc. will disappear when you cut and paste into the assignment window, that is OK.

You must use at least 5 web sites on the internet as references for your paper. Use these sites to help you support your prediction of the future. Please be sure to include your web address citations in the body of your paper where you use the information.


Reference no: EM131367751

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