Describe your own personal deep learning

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Reference no: EM133007997

HI6008 Business Research Project

Assignment - Reflective Journal


Assignment 4 - the Individual Reflective Journal - is designed to ensure each student is able to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. Inpreparation for this final submission, it is suggested that you write down your thoughts each week, by making notes each week, so that by the end of the trimester those notes will serve as a reminder of which sections you were challenged by, what you learnt, and how you experienced the learning process.

A significant aspect of the learning journal will be your reflections at each phase of the Business Research Project, i.e. Topic Development, Literature Review, and Methodology BUT your emphasis should be on what you experienced, what challenged you personally, how you dealt with that and what you gained from it. It is NOT enough to objectively summarise what was done. This assignment must reflect and describe your own personal deep learning AND be convincing to the reader that you were integrally engaged throughout the learning process.

Assignment Structure

1. Based on my personal contribution to the topic selection, problem definition, research question, writing of topic development submission (including team charter, if applicable), how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.

2. Based on my personal contribution to the literature review report, i.e. search process, summarising of relevant articles, designing the outline/argument/structure of the literature review, writing up the literature review, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.

3. Based on my personal contribution to the research methodology report, i.e. my role in discussions about methods, sampling, questionnaire design, data collection and analysis, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.

4. Based on my reflections of the total research process, the insights I gained and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies I experienced, both individually and in the teamwork, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.

Attachment:- Business Research Project.rar

Reference no: EM133007997

Questions Cloud

How do you see capital budgeting in organizations : How do you see capital budgeting in your organizations? Why is it beneficial to organizations to create capital budgets?
Explain the phases of the sdlc : Systems development includes every resource and every step that goes into producing an information system that solves a problem or helps the organisation take a
Which of the below databases are supported by magento : Which of the below databases are supported by Magento?
Identify five signs of potential conflict in the workplace : To provide you with an opportunity to identify potential for conflict and take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation.
Describe your own personal deep learning : Describe your own personal deep learning AND be convincing to the reader that you were integrally engaged throughout the learning process
Understand the business objectives of an information systems : Understand the business objectives of an information systems and to design an appropriate information systems. Using the SDLC methodology
Find a healthcare policy or reform : Find a healthcare policy or reform that applies to both countries (such as both having policies on care for the elderly, assisted living facilities, home care s
Stress as a component of workplace efficiency : The CEO of VMI is a confessed workaholic. In a recent HR interview with Chinn, he lays out his personal conflict of demanding employees to work long hours as he
Discuss the causes of employee absence : Use a relevant theoretical model and examples from existing companies to discuss the causes of employee absence, and consider different strategies employers may


Write a Review

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