Describe your organisations and your job role

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133449624

Performance and Skills (Project)

You are required to select an organisation such as a business, charity, association, not-for-profit enterprise, or government body.

You may select your own organisation (for example, your own business or one you plan to start); an organisation you have access to, such as a business owned by a friend or family; or your current employer, or an organisation you are familiar with.

Part A: Scope problem solving process

This task will require you to identify a complex issue for resolution within your job role. To achieve this, complete the following:

Describe your organisation's and your job role within that organisation.
Describe what legislative frameworks and organisational policy / procedure are applicable to the issue you've identified.
List at least two (2) objectives to be achieved in the resolution of your identified issue.
Identify at least three (3) risks involved in pursuing the issue you've identified.
What resources, including human resources, equipment and / or technology will be required to resolve the issue.
After completing the above, prepare PowerPoint slideshow that you would use to present to relevant stakeholders covering the information in points 2 to 6. You will use this presentation in Part B.
Identify the relevant stakeholders in your organisation.

Part B: Lead solution development process

This task will require you to lead a solution development process. For this, you will need to complete the following items.

Facilitate a workshop role play with the stakeholders to develop solutions to the problem identified in Part A. You must complete the following as part of the session:
Lead the session and have two (2) other participants acting as stakeholders.
Outline the issue, the objectives and resource requirements. You may use the presentation slides developed in Part A.
Use one of the following critical thinking approaches during the session: Brainstorming, Brainwriting, Mindmapping, Provocation, Worst Possible Idea.
Your session must run for a minimum of 10 minutes.
Evaluate the formulated solutions using critical thinking techniques. Describe what technique you used (e.g. Six Thinking Hats) and how it helped you evaluate the solutions.

Part C: Refine solution implementation

This task will require you to present your solution to the relevant stakeholders, seeking feedback in order to revise and refine your proposal before gaining approval for implementing the selected solution.

Update the PowerPoint slideshow that you created in Part A to include the proposed solution. Upload your presentation to Canvas as part of your submission.

Conduct a role play meeting in which you present the information gathered from Parts A and B to relevant stakeholders in your chosen organisation. You must complete the following as part of the session:
Lead the presentation and have two (2) other participants acting as stakeholders.
Outline the issue, the objectives, the proposed solution and resource requirements. Use the presentation slides developed in Part B.
Ask for feedback from the stakeholders.
Your presentation must run for approximately 8 - 10 minutes.

Reference no: EM133449624

Questions Cloud

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What is absolutism and what is constitutionalism : What is Absolutism? Why is Louis XIV's reign considered the height of Absolutism? In what ways did Louis XIV actually have absolute control?


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