Describe your idea of the database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13690937

Question: This part of the assignment is a detailed project designed to help you learn the modeling of business requirements and understand the physical implementation of logical business models through the use of E-R models.

You will be adding to the course project. You will be assigned tasks each week, which you will complete and submit as directed.

Part 1-Database Planning

Imagine that you have been hired by a company to build a database for it and complete the following tasks:

Describe your idea of the database.

This can be a business problem or a hobby you are interested in-for example, an airline reservation system.

Outline the database you would like to create.

Outline the SDLC. Include the following subcategories:

Strategy and analysis for a business or an idea you plan to develop

Analysis of the current system:

What does the company have?

What business projections does it have?

Integration with other systems-plan how the current system can be integrated with other systems

Documentation and communication-describe how this vital part will be accomplished

Design for changes-prepare a plan for the future

Reusable resources-do not redo work; identify what the company has in place that you can use

You need to prepare well-formed and clean database show all of your working.

Reference no: EM13690937

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