Describe your global markeing strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697843

Assignment : Marketing Problem Solving

Use the following marketing concepts to tackle and solve a marketing problem: Global marketing, market selection, marketing strategies.

First start by thinking about product categories that are rich with product features, such as cell phones. In general terms, product features refer to basic, physical, or extended attributes of the product.

The Marketing Problem

Choose a product in the cell phone category after considering the following situation.

College students tend to own cell phones and have significant interest in the category because they understand the product features very well.

A domestic cll phone company in Brazil has asked you, as marketing student, to determine their market selection and market entry strategy for a new smart phone that is ecofriendly, unbreakable, waterproof, and targeted to college students outside their home country.

The Problem

Describe your global markeing strategy and how, if at all, you would modify the product feature or price by country in your market selection.

Guidelines for solution

Complete the following problem/solution briefly using your product in the smart phone category, marketing concepts, the textbook and the university resources.

1. From the marketing managers point of view

a. Problem definition

b. Global analysis

c. Products value

d. Target market

e. Solution

2. From the consumers point of view

a. Problem definition

b. Global analysis

c. Products value

d. Solution

Reference no: EM131697843

Questions Cloud

Redo company income statement in contribution format : Whitman Company has just completed its first year of operations. Redo the company's income statement in the contribution format using variable costing
List two and explain the challenges of market research : List two and explain the challenges of market research in global market.At the heart of the market research process is a search for understanding.
Prepare a budgeted profit and loss for the month ending : Prepare a cash budget for cakes-2-U for the period January -June 2017. You budget should allow for the anticipated cash balance at the end of the month
Compute operating cash flows using the indirect method : Operating Cash Flows: Indirect Method Blaylock Company provided the following partial comparative balance sheets and the income statement for 2012.
Describe your global markeing strategy : Describe your global markeing strategy and how, if at all, you would modify the product feature or price by country in your market selection.
Calculate the investing cash flows for the current year : Cash Flows from Investing Activities During the year, Blaylock Company sold equipment with a book value of $140,000 for $190,000.
Identify and classify fixed and variable manufacturing costs : Continuing the scenario from the Module discussion: Identify and classify the fixed and variable manufacturing costs for producing your product.
Compute the financing cash flows for the current year : Cash Flows from Financing Activities Blaylock Company earned net income of $450,000 in 2012. Blaylock provided the following information.
Describe the form of business ownership of your business : Describe the form of business ownership of your business and explain the advantages and disadvantages of establishing your business in this form.


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