Describe your experience doing the demo test

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131701085

Case Study -McDonald’s Corporation Case Study : Remaining relevant in a health conscious society

Take Home

The in-class portion of the exam will be the same as examination #1. Please refer to the course schedule for the topics and materials that will be covered in the next examination.

Take Home Essay - Instructions

Please answer the question in a comprehensive way at the graduate level using applied examples to illustrate your key points. Please be sure to cite reference materials where appropriate. No minimum or maximum page numbers,but a typical paper is about 8 pages w/charts and tables.

Take Home Essay Questions

Next, imagine you are the VP of Marketing for McDonald's and you need to pick a target market and a brand positioning for a new breakfast sandwich (you can define the sandwich as you see fit). Background information on McDonalds is attached (included as a link at BB).

Part 1: Targeting:

1) Determine the "best" target market for the new breakfast sandwich.

2) Describe why you selected this target market (for guidance, use the criteria from the Fashion Channel case study, or the criteria offered on page 213 in the text and in lecture notes).

3) Do research on your target market and offer a descriptive profile of your target market.

4) What do you think will be the financial return of your breakfast sandwich if it is offered/advertised to your target market? Explain.

Please refer to The Fashion Channel case study for information how to present your target marketing information. Also refer and cite relevant learnings from text and lecture, and from outside sources.

Part 2.

1) Develop a positioning map for your breakfast sandwich across two dimensions (of your choice) and three major competitor breakfast sandwiches (your choice).

2) Describe your positioning map.

3) Developa positioning statement that would appeal directly to your chosen target and explain why you choose this statement (remember to frame your positioning statement in the way it is described in text and lectures). Careful to not confusion product differentiation and brand positioning. This is a brand positioning exercise. Refer and cite text, lecture and outside sources.

Reference no: EM131701085

Questions Cloud

Why can conference calls facilitate effective communication : The conference call is one of the most familiar rituals of office life-and one of the most hated. Abuses are rife. People on the line interrupt others.
Compare and contrast freinds and family : Compare and contrast freinds and family, provide a theseis with at least 3 simularities and difference of each.
Significantly changed supply chain management : What impact will block grant have on mississippi medicaid? How globalization has significantly changed supply chain management in a specific organization.
Examine the characters in macbeth : Examine the characters in Macbeth. Name the protagonist, and explain your answer. Name the principal antagonist, and explain your answer.
Describe your experience doing the demo test : Describe your experience doing the demo test. What did you expect would happen? Did the results surprise you?
Advantage at expense of organizational goal attainment : What steps can managers take to ensure that organizational politics are a positive force leading to a competitive advantage, not a negative force leading.
Examine media using rhetorical concept : Select a text (speech, video, lyrics, movie clip, headline, ad, chat room discussion posting, cartoon, etc.) to answer the following questions.
How the corporation should deal with the most serious threat : Give your opinions on how the corporation should deal with the most serious threat and the greatest opportunity. Justify your answer.
What is the percent change in multifactor productivity : What is the percent change in multifactor productivity compared to the current search process? (Keep two decimal places)


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